Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mathematically Speaking: Times Square...squaring it all...

No I am not referring to the famous Times Square building in New York City...

For all of you who are fond of numbers,  a time during the day today that will be unique in itself and such pattern will never occur again...

Today' date is April 1, 2009 i.e. 01.04.09 and at 16:25:36 hrs, the date and time together will look like :

01.04.09 16.25.36 which is : 

12.22.32 42:52:62 ............. (Squares of no.s 1 to 6)

Interesting...isn't it? 

(Whaaaaaaaaaat? You don't find it interesting... :( disappoint me...always!!!)

1 comment:

  1. wow....someone is getting all intellectual :)
