Saturday, June 26, 2010

Interesting info on Logo

Body Wisdom

It is a logo design for a high end day spa… the hands effectively convey relaxing massage integrated with the proximity of the “owl eyes” to clearly say “wisdom”.

Forkwire Logo

Designer – Bojan Stefanovic
Being an Online Food Delivery service, its logo shows a fork formed into an @ symbol! Such a easy logo to remember.

Big Ten Logo

The Big Ten collegiate conference has eleven schools but they didn’t want to change their name. However, they used their logo to hide the numerical “11” in the name.

Amazon Logo:

This famous logo is extremely clean and simple but this arrow might not look like more than a smile to you. Before, coming to any conclusions I would like you to know the concept behind this…it says that amazon.comhas everything from a to zand it also represents the smile brought to the customer’s face.

ED Logo: Gianni Bortolotti:

The designer of ED Logo – “Elettro Domestici -Home Appliances” in English, changed the concept of traditional logo designing through this logo. The designer has amazingly used the negative space to demonstrate the letter “E” and “D” making the logo look like an electric plug.

Eight Logo

This logo is too good to be ignored….it is very cleverly designed with a typeface where every letter is a variation of number 8. Nothing better have been thought.

Elle Hive Logo

Designer – Toni
It is a company which designs compact tractors. The letters “E” and “H” make up the image of a tracto

Toblerone Logo

One of my favorite chocolates…yummy!! But trust me I never noticed the brilliant logo while enjoying my bar. You must be thinking what is there to find out as it clearly shows the Swiss Alps? Let me explain…Toblerone originated in Bern, Switzerland – A city whose name is rumored to mean, “City of bears”. When you look at it again you will find a bear in the logo

Marriage Logo

What better logo can be used to symbolize a marriage with two mirrored “R” in the middle. No frills, no shadows, still so powerful and meaningful.

Heart Beats

Although it is quiet evident but still I liked the concept a lot. Two musical notes are bent in a way to make a heart and and headphns. The softness of this logo expresses “Love for Music

Logo !N3K8

The complexity of this logo is its beauty. It is a business and IT consulting company based in the UK and the logo is a combination of numeric and alphabets to explain the word “intricate”.

FedEx Logo

You would say you have seen it thousand times but just to make you notice an arrow formed between the letters “E” and “X” conveying speed, direction and reliability of this amazing courier service.

Review Logo

Designer – Sean Farrell Logo Design:
When you take off a piece of the “v” in the word “review” it forms a check mark (for review). Simply amazing!!

Lafeyette Logo:Even

If you’ve ever visited one of the famous stores in Paris – Galeries Lafayette, you will notice that it’s logo represents Paris with its joined letters “t” to form Eiffel Tower. C’est magnificique!

Pakuy Logo

Designer – Maumer
As “Pakuay” is a packaging company, so the logo shows a broken down box in the shape of the letter “P

Hartford Whalers

The logo shows 3 concepts at the same time. A whale’s tail, letter “W” in green and the white space forming an “H” for Hartford.

ZIP Logo

Designer – Mike Erickson
Zip – The “I” has been replaced with a zipper to connect the Z & P

VIA Rail Canada Logo

Notice carefully…the VIA rail Canada logo makes two train tracks with the letters” V” and the “A”. The alphabet “I” is the division between the two. A simply brilliant logo.

Mosleep Logo

You will notice here how cleverly designer have integrated a bed with the letter “M” to come up with a logo for an organization of doctor’s dealing with sleep issues


It is a logo for Architecture Center Of Budapest and looks more like a maze but if you follow the white space, the four lettered company name will become evident.

Piano Forest Logo

Designer: Jason Cho
The designer gives the message in a subtle but evident manner by shaping piano keys like trees to resemble a keyboard/piano.

NorthWest Old Logo

The logo reflected a clever way of splitting the alphabets, N and W (north west) along with a location pointed to by the red triangle in the upper left corner. The redesign lost the charm of the original.

Horror Films Logo

Designer:Josiah Jost
This could be defined as real creativity…A regular film reel turned to look like a scary ghost for a production house.

Yoga Australia Logo

At first glance the logo may look like a simple picture of a young girl doing her yoga exercise but if you watch it carefully the body posture is creating the Australia Map.

LDG Logo:

Well, this logo proves how creative logo designing companies could be with their own logos. Very artistically the designer has merged the upper arcs of the letter “D” and “G” with the initials of the company name to symbolize “The Guru”.

London Museum:

he logo, at first glance, looks like a bunch of colored/transparent shapes on top of each other. But I bring this logo to make you realize that each shape is the shape of what London looked like once. The entire logo represents the evolution of the land of London through time.

Concealed Logo:

This logo is among one of my favorite logos…brilliant use of negative space makes this logo extraordinary. It has been designed by Ronald J. Cala II for Children’s Book, Editorial. The “Black and White” graphics show the silhouettes of two running children with a dove forming between their clasped hands.

Hope For Children Initiative:

For the first glance the logo shows “Africa’s Map” but with a penetrating look you will see the outlined face of a child and a protective elderly figure. In fact I noticed the faces first and then saw the map…strange?

8 fish Logo:

I am sure, at the first glance you can’t figure out the 8 fish instantly or maybe I am being a little dumb ;)The designer, very creatively, uses the negative space and monotones to show 8 fish in one logo.

15 Rose Ave:

This logo is used by a chain of hotel/hostel/suites but the way “5” & “R” have worked together makes it exceptional. This merging and beautiful color combination is adding a subtle vintage feel to the logo.


This wavy logo looks like "a queue of letter ‘U’ but I would like you to give a second look. Designed by Kilment Kalchev, the logo spells the word minimum in an unrecognizing manner. I really enjoyed figuring it out

"B" Logo:

Although you might think it is a simple “Symbolic Logo” showing a “Bee” but what makes it more appealing is the portraying of the letter “B” and the real “Bee” through a simple symbol.

Milwaukee Brewers Logo (MB):

I am sure one cannot miss the letters “m” and “b” in this logo but marking it as a baseball team the logo is a clear picture of a glove clasping the met ball

The Bison:

This logo clearly proves how letters of a word can be distorted to create a completely different shape to reinforce its meaning while maintaining readability.

Academy of Fine Arts:

The logo shows merger of the lower case letters "A", "S" and "P". I think the first two letters are quiet easily figured out but "P" being the shortest of the three letters is losing its legibility…what do you think?

Church Logo:

Done by Malcolm Grear and Associates, it’s a true masterpiece of simplifying complexity. It appears a simple Cross shape but hidden inside are a dove, a clerical robe, a pulpit with bible, flames, and a fish. Check out how many of these symbols you can find out.

Carrefour Logo:

Carrefour in French means “crossroads” and the logo shows two opposite arrows inside a diamond shaping the C letter with the negative space between them but let me confess, I never saw the letter “C” until someone pointed it out to me…

London Symphony Orchestra:

Although the logo looks like a single flowing line creating three initials L.S.O in air. The harmonious graphic of this logo marks the unbreaking rhythm of an Orchestra.

Cattleyard Logo:

Being music related business; the creator of this logo has used various graphics of musical instruments to form the overall shape of a cow. In my opinion this logo is the best example of combining the graphical elements to express a company’s name.

Candy Logo:

Do you know how many things have  been blended in here? A girl’s head, stereotypical image of a candy and the spelling of “Candy” itself is making the logo so appealing.

Philadelphia Flyers logo:

If you analyze this logo carefully you will find a “double treat” of hidden messages. It may appear as a streaked “P” but I see a puck with wings and a hidden hockey stick emerging from the centre circle in the logo. Do you see it now?

Modern Nerd:

The special features of this logo is it’s way to spell the term “Modern Nerd” and then using the symbolic shapes of hair, glasses and tie to portray the stereotypical geek/nerd image.


This logo has been designed by Felix Sockwell showing a child’s figure face integrated with a flight of a dove. I am not aware which company uses this logo but will really appreciate if any of you know more about this logo…so do share.

5.10 Logo:

Five-Ten is a famous family-owned company dedicated to make the best outdoor sports footwear available. When seen in upside position the logo shows a very clever blend of the numeric’s of 5 and10.

Newman Logo:

I would add my personal favorite, the reversible Newman logo. This logo is the best example of simple but clever logo…what say?

Mamouth Logo:

This logo is for a French children clothing store. Although there’s two "m" in French for the word "mammouth" but the designer has played well to make the mammoth face with the single alphabet.

Society 27:

The good thing about this logo is that it shows the same when viewed in an upside down position. The abstract use of "quotes" and number "7" show the number 27 clearly.

Hammer Logo :

This logo is a creative example of utilising the negative space to make your logo leave a lasting impression. The integration of the letter "H" with the hammer is outstanding and a little difficult to find at first glance.

Baskin Robins Logo:

There is the Baskin Robins new logo, in where the BR also creates the number 31 for how many flavors they have. I found it very clever.

Treacy Shoes:

This logo is the cutest example of hidden logos. The hidden shoe packed between the company initials conveys the company message in a very stylish and interesting way. I simply loved it:)

Rehabilitation of Hospital:

This logo is a simple symbol but a complex and a sacred message. The globally renowned cross symbol represents help and medical attention while the steps reflect on the steps taken back to normal life.

Schizophrenic Logo:

Actually this term is used for a  medical disorder that often depicts split personalities. Therefore the logo depicts a happy and sad face both at the same time. I loved the simplicity and multi purpose of this logo.

Nicholson Logo:

Honestly speaking…I don’t know much about this logo but found it amazingly creative to show the letter “N”I will really appreciate if any of you could tell about the company this logo belongs to so I can give the real credit.

To Beat or Not to Beat

The logoshows a simple "question mark" but if you watch it closely you will notice it is a belt turned into a question mark pointing the old-fashioned parenting methods. The logo asks if we should "beat or not to beat" a child

~ Kaustubh

1 comment:

  1. An example of 'Graphic Design Blog' :)
    Good one! Next time i would see a logo with different angle/thought

    Check the logo of 'Washington State University'...The official graphic signature (logo) of the University consists of the words Washington State University and the letters W, S, and U arranged to form a Cougar head, framed by a crest that is accented by a chevron
