Sunday, May 31, 2009

TLAs: Which is your favourite?

JFK - John F Kennedy
SRK - ShahRukh Khan
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
DoT - Department of Telecom
RIP - Rest In Peace
USP - Unique Selling Proposition
ICC - International Cricket Council
LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas
ADR - American Depository Receipts
PLR - Prime Lending Rate
ECG - Electro Cardio Gram
CRT - Cathode Ray Tube
LED - Light Emitting Diode
SOA - Service Oriented Architecture
IMF - International Monetary Fund
ISD - International Subscriber Dialing
ATM - Automated Teller Machines
CoQ - Cost of Quality
IPR - Intellectual Property Right
SIP - Systematic Investment Plan
RoI - Return on Investment

What is common between all of these?

Nothing; except that they all are TLAs i.e. Three Letter Acronyms

People like to 'create' or 'invent' short-forms - preferably of Three-letters.

Especially corporate guys, marketing gurus etc. cannot seem to survive without them. Their every 'corporate initiative', 'big strategic mission' would use several TLAs

We all know about or use TLAs subconsciously - but if you start to consciously look for them, you would be amazed how much we 'overdo' it.
As my Economics professor (a Scot with terrific sense of humor!) said (in a sarcastic tone):
"TLAs are just perfect. Two letters is too short and Four letters is one too many..."

His favourite TLA was -
JTL i.e. 'Just Too Late' (similar to JIT which stands for Just In Time)

lass="Apple-style-span" style="font-size:13px;">My current favourites are -
NDE i.e. Near Death Experience (This recession is giving me plenty of NDEs) and
AYF i.e. All Your Fault (I get 'AYF looks' every time I survive those NDEs)

What is your favourite TLA?

~ Kaustubh

1 comment:

  1. MY current Favourite is KYB (Kick Your Butt) :P
