Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just for fun: Quiz

Kaustubh was sleeping quietly in his room...

A burglar broke into his room; and started picking all valuable items (which were very scarse!).

Kaustubh suddenly woke up and looked at that burglar. The burglar looked back at Kaustubh.

Kaustubh smiled at burglar; burglar smiled back.

Burglar turned back - picked up whatever he could and walked away. Kaustubh looked at the burglar running...and smiled again!



I know you are least bothered to know why - but still...if you were forced to answer....

OK, since you give up; here is the answer.

ANS: Kaustubh was just 1 year old at that time! :)

~ Kaustubh
PS: I know it was not worth even half smile...but I am facing writer's block... so what else do you expect???

1 comment:

  1. heheeh that was really something....hope your writers block goes away real fast :)
