Sunday, March 28, 2010

A nice funny article by the 'Fake IPL Player'

Twenty Two Yards of Bollywood Yarn

A nice funny and witty article by the Fake IPL Player published in the current issue of Forbes India magazine


It’s that time of the year again. As the air gets warmer and power supply gets rarer, top cricketers from that part of the world which is not Pakistan have descended on to India. The third season of the biggest reality show in the world is in everyone’s faces. Welcome to the Indian Premier League: Tritiya. (Out of consideration for this magazine’s reputation, I will not conjecture on what the fourth edition will be called.) You can love IPL or you can hate it, but you can’t ignore it. And that’s just the way Lalit Modi likes it.

Like the past two seasons, this year too advertisers around the country would be comfortably snuggled in with the knowledge that, for once, their entire consumer base can be found in front of the TV, watching the same channel, despite the channel’s best efforts to put them off. It’s a throwback to the Doordarshan era, when everyone watched Ramayan and Mahabharat. As per latest data disclosed by the Bureau of Useless Information, Government of India, Modi was shown on TV a record 78,623 times last season. This year he’s all set to break the 100,000 barrier. It’s advisable not to entertain any thoughts of relief once the league is over . The boss makes his presence felt through the year.
Spare a thought for the cricketers, though. Forty-five days, a possible sixteen games for some players. Add to that the travel, photo shoots, booze binges, dancing, press conferences, post-victory parties. Even if there are ways to minimise on the last one, like KKR did last year, it’s still back-breaking. And we haven’t even started on the effort that goes into counting notes. No wonder players have been complaining of burnout.

But then, if you’re at an age where you’re still counting chest hairs and suddenly find half-a-million dollars in your bank account, burning out is the last thing on your mind. Quite the opposite. You put in the extra hours to hone your soft skills.

Take Wayne Parnell. So IIM-trained were his responses after his IPL jackpot that it made people wonder if Career Launcher had opened a CAT coaching centre in South Africa. “Myyyy idollll is Asheeeeesh Nehraaaaaa,” he screamed from the top of his roof. From the look on his face, Nehra actually believed him. For all you know, Parnell was just happy that he wasn’t picked by Chennai Super Kings. He may have had to start idolising Balaji.

A little short-changed, though, is Mathew Hayden. He spent two years proclaiming his spiritual connection with Chennai only to face the prospect of a transfer next year. If his attempts at staying in Chennai don’t work out, he is, no doubt, hoping for the new franchise to be from Kanpur and praying they take him. Perhaps he sees a possible endorsement deal with Kanpur’s famous sweetshop Thaggu ke laddoo. Probably, something in its name that Hayden, like many of his other Australian colleagues, identifies with.
The guy making all the right noises is Shane Warne. From hanging out with the Indian community in Melbourne, to wearing his India-love on his twitter page, he’s doing it all. And, he hasn’t forgotten the Shiv Sena either. No, he isn’t learning Marathi, but he is talking to dear friend Shilpa about a possible movie that ends with him saying ‘My name is Warne. And I am not a racist.’

In some circles though, Warney’s tweets are increasingly being seen as offensive. One, he openly peddles his brand of underwear on Twitter. And then he tweets @iamsrk asking ‘howz da kkr shaping up.’ A more pun- and innuendo-laden tweet has never been tweeted in the history of tweeting. Warney knew very well that the said team had just lost an underwear brand sponsor. And he also knew it was because Dada walked out of the shoot of the underwear ad when he learnt that he’ll have to take off his pants and swing it above his head screaming ‘Yeh andar ki baat nahin hai!’

Just when people thought KKR can’t have it any worse, they prove the world wrong again. They change their colours from eyesore black to hideous purple. “Dada likes purple; my daughter feels I look good in purple. We’ve changed everything. We want to leave everything behind and start afresh. Also, the girls like it. So, we will make money out of it, and the girls will be all on our side,” said the King, displaying his trademark wit. (Take your time. Read the quote a few more times to make sense out of it.)

Dada’s taken charge of the team in vintage style. Training his boys hard for the tournament ahead, egging them on, pushing them the extra yard. From the sidelines. But you got to give it to the guy. He may not be a runner, he may not be a diver, he may not be a catcher, but he is a true inspirer of young souls. With him as captain, don’t bet on the team finishing last this time round. A seventh or a joint sixth position is more likely.

I predict that the team will soon delete lorbo and jeetbo, and keep their slogan to just korbo. That way, come what may, nobody can accuse them of having failed.

Fallout of the times we live in. The Deccan Chargers have been forced to increase security around the team... for the sake of all the women who will be interacting with them. The incident involving Mandira Bedi last year has prompted the move, coincidentally announced by the team management on International Women’s Day. In the accused player’s defence, he says that he was just following Guru Gary’s mantra.
While Hayden has still not gotten past poda naaye in his Tamil learning efforts, Sanga takes charge of the King’s XI Punjab after having mastered the right pronunciation of ‘penh’ in the popular Punjabi greeting that rhymes with ‘Pant-Coat’. Apparently, knowledge of the word will come handy as captain of the King’s XI Punjab.

IPL means many things to many people. But there are some for whom IPL presents an opportunity to simply remain relevant. Ms. Zinta, for example. No films in the recent past, none in the foreseeable future. The image of her jumping up and down in the Kings XI T-shirt is now so strong that eleven-year olds around the country know her as Cricket Aunty. But, sources reveal, she’s determined not to let a certain Ms. Shetty steal her thunder this time round.

Last season, Beautiful Shilpa, also known as BS for reasons other than the initials, was the toast of the town. Her nervous gasps, exultant jumps, and near-fatal hugs to her beau are now part of popular folklore amongst nomadic tribes near Jaisalmer. But none of it was as memorable as her off-field press interactions. Sample this.

Journalist: So, how does the ball look?

BS: (Looks down sheepishly. And giggles.)
Journalist: What do you think about Asnodkar’s running between the wickets?
BS: (Giggles. And tickles.)
Journalist: Are you concerned that Shane Warne is not able to bowl the flipper?
BS: Have you seen my ring? It’s bigger than my nose…(and giggles).

Finally, with the next round of auctions around the corner, most of the young Indian players are, quietly and not-so-subtly, lobbying for a place with the Chennai Super Kings. Just the way the quickest way to a man’s heart is not through his stomach, it’s now common knowledge that the quickest way to the Indian team is not through the Ranjis. It’s through the Chennai Super Kings team. Vijay, Badri, Balaji, Goni, Tyagi, Ashwin to name the last few. The only guy to buck the trend was Joginder Sharma, but he doesn’t count. But, of course, this rule is for mere mortals, not for a certain Superman who, not being a part of the Super Kings, danced in the chairman of selectors’ son’s baraat, saving the venerable chairman money otherwise meant for hired dancers, and continued dancing his way into the Indian side. May his appams always be soft.

The Fake IPL Player urges you not to believe a word he says. “It’s all fake,” he says. “Didn’t you see my name?”

Source: Forbes India Magazine of 02 April, 2010


Saturday, March 20, 2010

On 'IIMs' high salary: The true story has a twist'

Jan-Apr period every year is the most important one for Indian B-schools, IIMs, ISB et al.

Because this is the period when on-campus placements are held and these schools, which seem to consider the salary earned as the only parameter to show their worth, come all out with their new records of salaries offered!

This year was no exception - in fact after a lull of 2 years or so - the B-Schools are back with buzz! The highest salary reported so far is whopping Rs. 1.4 Crores per annum (or USD 320,000 per annum).

Recently I came across an article 'IIMs' high salary: The true story has a twist' that caught my attention and made me write about this whole salary brouhaha.

The article rightly questions the salary claims made by B-Schools. I have been thinking about it for a while and would like to share my thoughts.

Infosys is one of the most transparent companies in India - a bit too much, for it publishes in every Annual Report the salary details of people whose Gross Remuneration in that year has been more than Rs. 2 Lakh per month (i.e. USD 5000 or so). You can download Annual Reports from here.

When I was working with Infosys I have seen and heard many senior execs expressing their dissent over such practice. It is not mandatory or legal requirement, no other company in India does that, still Infosys publishes such vital pay package details!

I looked at this as benchmark - because it is very much in-detail. They publish names, designations, educational qualification, years of experience with Infosys and overall experience, Date of Joining, Gross Renumeration and  Previous Employer details! (Is there anything else to be revealed? :D I sometimes sympathize with those who crib...)

Now, some observations from these Salary details and how they compare with eye-staggering salary figures IIMs and ISB throw at us every year!

  • 41 year-old Assistant Vice President at Infosys who has been there for 17 years and has got an MBA earns Rs. 58 Lakh (USD 132,000) per annum

  • Chief Operating Officer earns Rs. 91 Lakh (USD 203,000) per annum

  • Chief Operating Officer earns Rs. 87 Lakh (USD 194,000) per annum

  • Among the younger lot - A 33 year-old Delivery Manager, with a Bachelor's in Engg and 12 years at Infosys earns Rs. 28 Lakh (USD 63,000) per annum

  • A 31 year-old Principal Researcher, with a Bachelor's in Engg and 10 years at Infosys earns Rs. 30 Lakh (USD 67,000) per annum. At 31, he is the youngest person to make it to this list. There is nobody younger than him - no matter if he has an MBA, CFA, Ph D. or any other TLA (Three Letter Acronym) against his name!


Now lets look at claims by IIMs and ISBs -

They regularly get salaries in excess of Rs. 1 Crore (USD 225,000) per annum - which is higher than CEO of Infosys!

If this salary is way too much for a domestic placement. Even for an overseas placements it is a bit on higher-side but would not appear as much exaggerated. The media reports do not clearly clarify on this.

But when you read finer news print, you come to know that the average domestic salary at IIMA for 2010 has been 15 Lakh  (USD 34000) per annum (after an increase of 23%!) - which brings it to more humanly numbers. This probably is equivalent to a guy with 10 years in IT - so an MBA with a couple of years work could realistically get that offer...seems plausible!

I guess in most cases the salary numbers would be less than Rs. 10 Lakh per annum - not everybody gets into investment banking - few have to be content with a Software Coolie kind of profile :D

But what happens is - the news reports hover around Crore-plus salary figures and MBAs in early twenties with no background in Finance hitting the jackpot by getting offers from Goldman Sachs, McKinseys, Lehman Brothers (RIP!) et al.

It creates a wron perception about MBA and changes the focal point from Management Studies to Manager-producing-Mills called IIMs and ISBs.

And media is certainly not the only one to be blamed for that. The institutions (IIMs/ ISBs), the Prof., the Placements and PR divisions of these institutes and finally the students with herd-mentality - all are to be blame for this.

Of late few IIM professors and other bloggers/ MBA students have begun to discuss/ write about this excessive hype around MBA salaries and how true that is. But they still form a very tiny minority.

My main concern is not around salary - it is something else, which I would come to later. Before that let me share what salary-related questions I get.

After completing my MBA from the UK when I again joined an IT firm in India people would give me strange looks...

a) Why would you do MBA in the UK and come back?

b) Why would you join IT industry? Did you try Investment banking/ Consulting? (I asked that person to explain those two terms, as in what really happens in those industries - he could not...)

c) If your post-MBA starting salary is 'just' 60-70% higher than your pre-MBA salary - it was not worth going for MBA! At least 4-5 times is minimum what you MUST expect!!!

I am an alumni representative for my parent Univ. in the UK and I get lot of questions, e-mails, phone calls around the Indian/ overseas MBAs, salaries, placements, RoI etc.

I ask them lot of questions - which at times irritate them - to know WHY they want to pursue MBA...and why not - say M. Sc. in Accounting and Finance (which would also open doors for a Finance career) or M. Sc. in Hospitality Management (for a person with that kind of experience)...the answer is common. In most cases it it hype around MBA, the salaries, and nothing else.

Another commonality is - most of them think short-term (2-3 yrs post-MBA), some really really short (they use IIM buzz words such as DAY ZERO and DAY ONE). It beats me...I cannot understand such obsession with RoI, payback period, % rise in salary etc.

There are other (and better!) ways to show that you understand economics, finance and mathematics of money management...salary calculations is the least exciting of it!

A colleague at work who is going tomy Univ. next year asked me one simple question - my Band (Designation) is B3, would I be able to join at B6 after I complete 1-year MBA and return here in 2011?

I said, "There are definite norms for these designations - education is not the only criteria. You MUST have certain yrs. of work exp (i.e. certain Age) to be in B6 band. (3 levels UP from current!). If you can become 6-7 years older during your MBA (from current age of 26 to 33-33!) you can very well expect B6 Band! I am sure MBA would be stressful enough to make you 'look' older by 6-7 years but I am not sure how you can manage biological age! :D"

He was visibly shaken and disappointed. His expectation was - after 1-year MBA he would be elevated from his Senior Software Engineer position to Account Manager position - and have his own cabin and company-provided car!

Sorry I say - that happens only in movies or IIM news :D

I can go on and on about such misconceptions and mis-expectations from MBA - the instantaneous success n all. But there are other things I want to write about - which I feel should be point of discussion.

I have thought over it and  my views are based on my experience/understanding of the UK B-schools and the Indian counterparts, and based on my interest in Management journals, magazines, research!

I would end this post here and will come back soon with Pat 2!

Meanwhile - you can comment on this post and share your views...

~ Kaustubh

I can't unlove you by Kenny Rogers

Postcards and letters
And pictures made to last forever
To be boxed up and tossed away
Knickknacks and souvenirs
In an afternoon, they're out of here
They'll disappear without a trace
But what they mean to me
Can never be replaced

I can't unthink about you
I can't unfeel your touch
I can't unhear all the words
Unsay all the things
That used to mean so much
I wish I could unremember
Everything my heart's been through
I'm finding out it's impossible to do
Oh, it's no use
I can't unlove you

Intestates and old songs
Like time they go on and on
I guess I could learn to do the same
I could wake up without you
These two arms not around you
Tell myself it's meant to be this way
No matter how I try somethings I can't change

I can't unthink about you
I can't unfeel your touch
I can't unhear all the words
Unsay all the things
That used to mean so much
I wish I could unremember
Everything my heart's been through
I'm finding out it's impossible to do
Oh, oh
Oh, it's no use
I can't unlove you

I wish I could unremember
Everything my heart's been through
And finding out it's impossible to do
Oh, oh, it's no use
I can't unlove you

I can't unlove you - by Kenny Rogers

Artist: Rogers Kenny

Song: I Can't Unlove You
Water & Bridges

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


सध्या लोकसत्ताच्या वस्तुरंग या पुरवणीत संजय पाटील यांची एक लेखमाला प्रसिद्ध होते. त्याचा विषय ’वास्तुशास्त्र’ हा आहे. मला मुळातच ह्या विषयचा तिटकारा आहे - तो त्यातल्या "शास्त्र" ह्या शब्दामुळे.

माझ्या आठवणीप्रमाणे गेल्या १५-२० वर्षातच हे ’वास्तुशात्र’ चे प्रस्थ माजले आहे, नाही, पद्धतशीरपणे ते माजवले आहे...आणि आपल्याकडची बिनडोक, पापभीरु आणि झटपट सुख मिळवण्याच्या मागे लागलेली आणि कायम लायकीपेक्षा जास्त (पैस, प्रसिद्धी, मान सन्मान इ.) हव्यास असलेली जनता त्याला खतपाणी घालते आहे.

काही दिवसांपूर्वी  "देव्हारा कुठे, कसा"  हा संजय पाटील यांचा (विनोदी) लेख मी वाचला तेव्हाच त्याबद्दल लिहायचे होते - ते काही कारणानी राहून गेले.  नंतर त्यांनी "टॊयलेटचा प्रश्न (भाग १ आणि २)" ह्या शीर्षकाचे अजून २ (विनोदी) लेख लिहीले (नशीब, देव्हाऱ्याच्या लेखासारखे ह्याचे नाव "संडास: कुठे, कसा" असे नाव नाही दिले!

अजून एक निरीक्षण म्हणजे अशा विषयात टॊयलेट हा शब्द जास्त बरा वाटतो, सतत ’संडास’ (हा शब्द) पचायला जास्त जड जाते आणि शौचकूप वगैरे वाचायला जड जाते. इंग्रजी ’टॊयलेट’ बरा!)

ह्याशिवाय पुण्यात जागोजागी ह्या वास्तुतज्ज्ञांचे होर्डिंग्स दिसू लागली अहेत. ’आबा, अप्पा, नाना’ इ. आदरणीय नेत्यांना वाढदिवसाच्या शुभेच्छा देणारे ’पक्या, पप्पु, बबडू, छोटू’ इ. तरूण आणि धडाडीचे कार्यकर्ते यांचे जे अंगावर येणारे प्रचंड फलक असतात - त्याच्या जोडीलाच हे फलक. ह्या फ्लेक्स बोर्ड ची खिल्ली उडवणारा एक फलक पहा:

अजून एक बदल म्हणजे पूर्वी नुसते वास्तु तज्ज्ञ असायचे आणि ते त्यांच्या ’अभ्यासाप्रमाणे’ घराची यथेच्छ तोडफोड करायला लावायचे. म्हणजे घराचे प्रवेशद्वार बरोबर नाही म्हणून असलेला मोठ्ठा दरवाजा बंद करुन ठेवायचा आणि उगाचच खिडकीच्या जागी एक बारीक भोक पाडून त्यातून ये-जा करायची (म्हणजे म्हणे वास्तुदेवता प्रसन्न होते आणि घरात आनंद, सुबत्ता येते!)

हल्लीचे ’व्यावसायिक’ जास्त चतुर आहेत - एक तर ते नुसते वास्तुतज्ज्ञ नसतात - वास्तुविशारद, वास्तु-शिरोमणि, वास्तुमहर्षि, वास्तुमार्तंड अशा पदव्या लावतात (नशीब अजून कोणी स्वतःला ’वास्तुपुरूष’ म्हणवत नाहीत, नाही तर लोक त्यांनाच घरात जिवंत पुरायचे!) आणि हे थोर लोक हल्ली घराची तोडफोड करायला सांगत नाहीत, त्याऐवजी काही (खर्चिक) ’उपाय’/ ’उपचार’ करून ते तीच सुबत्ता, तीच भरभराट मिळवून देऊ शकतात (अर्थातच खर्च तोडफोडी इतकाच होतो, पण मालकाला समाधान हे की आपण भिंती आणि खिडक्या पाडल्या नाहीत)

पुण्यात शास्त्री रोडवर एका वास्तुतज्ज्ञाचे एक होर्डिंग आहे त्याचा USP च मुळी ’विना तोडफोड तुमचे घर, ऒफीस, कारखाना वास्तुशास्त्रानुसार करा आणि सुख, संपत्ती आणि समाधान मिळवा’ असे आहे! त्यांनी ह्यापूर्वीच अशा ३००० हून अधीक संतुष्ट घरांना सुख, संपत्ती आणि समाधान दिले आहे म्हणे. शिवाय त्यांना स्व. राजीव गांधी यांच्या नावाने काही पुरस्कारही मिळाले आहेत. राजीव गांधी, ज्यांनी संगणक युग आणले (किंवा आणण्याचा प्रयत्न केला - ज्याप्रमाणे तुमचे राजकीय विचार असतील त्याप्रमाणे!) त्यांच्या नावाचा ”वास्तुशास्त्रा’साठीचा पुरस्कार हाच एक विनोद आहे.

असो. आता मी परत एकदा संजय पाटील यांच्या (विनोदी) लेखाकडे वळतो:

एक बेसिक न समजणारी गोष्ट म्हणजे, आपली संस्क्रुती ही इतकी थोर आहे की त्यात सगळ्या विषयांवर सगळे संशोधन आधीच झालेले आहे आणि सगळे संस्क्रुत श्लोकांमध्ये लिहूनही ठेवलेले आहे! त्यामुळे कुठल्याही चर्चेला, मुद्द्याला, आरोपाला आधार म्हणजे एखादा संस्क्रुत श्लोक!

मला सांगा - समजा पूर्वी संस्क्रुत हीच व्यवहारातील भाषा असेल तर त्या काळी होणारे कुठलेही लेखन (मग कितीही सामान्य लेखक असेल, किंवा कितीही बेजबाबदार विचार, लिखाण असेल) ते संस्क्रुतमध्येच होत असणार - पण ह्याचा अर्थ असा नाही की ते सगळेच अभ्यासपूर्ण आणि अनुकरणीय असेल. कदाचित त्या काळचे ’वास्तुतज्ज्ञ’ छाप लेखक/कवी असतील - जे तितकेच सुमार आणि अर्थहीन (परंतु संस्क्रुत मध्ये) लिहायचे...

पण संजय पाटील आणि तत्सम स्वघोषित तज्ज्ञ (फक्त ह्याच क्षेत्रातले नाही, तर इतर अनेक विषयातले ज्यात संस्कुत श्लोक आणि ग्रंथ हा त्यांचा आधार असतो) अशा फुटकळ संस्क्रुत श्लोकांचा आधार घेतात आणि त्यांना सोयिस्कर अर्थ काढून ’विकतात’.

आता त्यांच्या लेखातील ही वाक्ये पहा - लेखातली वाक्ये ठळक अक्षरात दिली आहेत, पाहिजे तर तुम्ही मूळ लेख वाचु शकता - माझे विचार साध्या अक्षरात दिले आहेत.

"...देव्हारा आयताक्रुती असावा, असं माझं मत आहे. (नीट लक्षात घ्या - हे त्यांचे वैयक्तीक मत आहे!) त्यासाठी एका श्लोकाचा संदर्भ देतो (म्हणजे मी मघाशी म्हटल्याप्रमाणे संस्क्रुत श्लोकाची ’कुबडी’ वापरली)

"समश्रं समव्रुत्तं यत्पुरुष चेति कथ्यते

आयाताकारधिष्ण्यं वा वनितेति प्रकीर्तितम"

(मानसारम - म्हणजे कुठले काय ते नाही लिहीले)

अर्थात: इमारत जर चौरसाक्रुती अथवा गोलाकार असेल तर ती पुल्लिंगी समजावी आणि आयताक्रुती स्त्रीलिंगी समजावी. पुल्लिंगी इमारतीत स्त्रीलिंगी मूर्ती ठेवू नये मात्र स्त्रीलिंगी इमारतीत स्त्री अथवा पुल्लिंगी मूर्ती ठेवता येते.

इमारतीसाठी असलेला हा नियम घटबिंब प्रतिबिंब द्रुष्टांतानुसार देव्हाऱ्यालाही लागू होतो. (कशावरून? हा सोयिस्कर अर्थ कसा काढला? ह्यात कसले ’शास्त्र’? पण पुढचा विनोदी भाग वाचा, त्यात लगेचच ह्या शंकेचं उत्तर मिळेल)

"...या आयताचं लांबी रूंदीचं प्रमाण १:१:६ असं असावं. आता तुमच्या मनात प्रश्न तयार होईल की हे प्रपोर्शन कसे काय काढलं? हे माझं संशोधन (?) आहे. याला काही गणिती सिद्धांताचा आधार अहे. मी त्याला सच्रेद गेओमेत्र्य (?) असं म्हणतो. आर्किटेक्टस आणि सिव्हिल ईंजिनीअर्सना ते चटकन समजेल. पण बाकीच्यांना ते समजणं कदाचित थोडसं अवघड असल्यानं सध्या त्याबद्दल लिहीत नाही. भविष्यात केव्हातरी लिहीन. "

(मला समजत नाही, हे सोयिस्कर पणे पाहिजे तेव्हा संस्क्रुत श्लोक आणि पाहिजे तेव्हा सायन्स/ ईंजिनिअरिंग याचा आधार कसा घेतात?)

"...देव्हारा मुख्य दरवाज्यासमोर असेल तर द्वारवेध (??) होतो (म्हणजे काय बुवा?) देवाची नजर थेट दरवाज्यावर येणं चांगलं नाही. शिवाय दरवाजात उभं राहिल्यानंतर - वाकून बघितल्यावर नव्हे - देव्हारा दिसणं हा प्रकार वास्तुशास्त्रानं निषिद्ध सांगितलाय"

(कोणते वास्तुशास्त्र??? कोणी लिहीले, आणि अचानक कसे प्रचलित झाले???)"

अशी अनेक उदाहरणे ह्या लेखात आहेत.लोकमान्य टिळकांनी गीतेचा अभ्यास करून ’गीता-रहस्य’ हा ग्रंथ लिहीला. इतरही अनेकांनी प्राचीन भारतीय संस्क्रुतीबद्दल खूप अभ्यासपूर्ण लेखन केले आहे. पण त्या अनेक थोर आणि विद्वान व्यक्तींनी कधी ’वास्तुशास्त्र’ किंवा तत्सम विषयावर लिहिल्याचे ऐकीवात नाही. कदाचित ते ग्रंथ त्याकाळी उपलब्ध नसतील आणि अचानकच हल्लीच्या वास्तु-पुरुषांना (लॊटरी लागल्यासारखे!) ते मिळाले असतील.

मला राग ह्याचा आहे की चांगले सुशिक्षेत लोक ही ह्या वाटेला लागतात.

माझा एक मित्र वास्तुशास्त्रानी झपाटला आहे. घरातल्या खोल्या पंचकोनी करण्यापासून ते अनेक लोलक, लंबक, यंत्र टांगून घराचे जंतर-मंतर करण्यापर्यंत सगळे उपाय (विना-तोडफोड किंवा तोडफोडीसहीत!) केल्यावरही त्याला ’अपेक्षित’ सुख मिळेना (म्हणजे महिना ’फक्त’ ८०,००० पगाराच्य ऐवजी त्याला १,२०,००० रु. पगार पाहिजे होता.)

एका नवीन वास्तु-पुरुषाकडे तो गेला. त्यांनी त्याचा हात नीट पाहिला, आणि घरही पाहिले. त्याच्या बोटात नवीन रत्न, अंगठी घालायला एकही जागा रिकामी नाही, तसेच भिंतीवरचा कोणताही कोपरा काहिही टांगायला शिल्लक नाही हे त्या चतुर वास्तु-पुरुषानी ओळखले. त्यामुळे ह्याला काय ’उपाय’ सुचवावा हे त्याला कळले नसेल कदाचित. त्यामुळे त्याने नुसतेच ’निदान’ केले, ’उपाय’ नंतर सांगतो म्हणाला - त्याचे निदान होते, तुमचे शौचालय चुकीच्या ठिकाणी आहे. वास्तुशास्त्रानुसार ते घराच्या मुख्य दरवाज्यापाशी असायला हवे!

आता माझा मित्र घाबरला होता. मला भेटला तेव्हा त्यानी हे सगळे सांगितले. मी गंमतीनी त्याला म्हणालो, "अरे काही तरी सोप्पा उपाय असेलच ना. नाही तर तू असं कर, एक बेडपॆन घे आणि ते तुझ्या मुख्य दरवाज्याच्यावर टांगून ठेव, किंवा फरशी खाली पुरून ठेव - म्हणजे झाले!"

"अरे खरच! हे जमू शकेल, थांब लगेच य़ ना फोन करुन विचारतो!" ही कमाल झाली, म्हणजे मी त्याची टिंगल करायच्या हेतूने बोललो ते पण त्यानी सिरिअसली घेतले!

परत काही दिवसांनी त्याचा फोन आला, की मी सुचवलेला उपाय त्यानी त्या वास्तु-पुरुषाला सांगितला आणि त्याला म्हणे तो ’in-principle’ आवडला.

त्यात थोडे बदल करुन (आणि काही संस्क्रुत श्लोकांचा आधार घेऊन!) तो बाबा आता उपाय सुचवणार आहे!

मी कपाळावर हात मारून घेतला. तेव्हापासून मी अजून त्या मित्राच्या घरी जायचे धाडस केले नाहीये! न जाणो दार उघडताच संडास किंवा संडासाच्या आकाराची खूर्ची समोर ठेवलेली असायची!

~ कौस्तुभ

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

॥ श्री रामरक्षा ॥

माझी रामरक्षा लहानपणापासूनच पाठ आहे...घरातल्या वडिलधारी मंडळींकडून सतत कानावर पडून पडून आपोआपच पाठ झाली, कधी वेगळे पाठांतर करावेच लागले नाही.

लहानपणी केलेल्या पाठांतराचे हे एक वैशिष्ट्य आहे...नकळतच पाठ होते आणि कायमचे लक्षात राहाते (आता काही पाठ करायचे/ नवीन शिकायचे म्हणजे फार मेहेनत करावी लागते)

पण तसेच त्यात एक धोका किंवा दोष पण आहे... तेव्हा जे चुकिचे किंवा सदोष/ अशुद्ध पाठांतर होते ते पण सुधारणे जड जाते. कारण तेव्हा अर्थ वगैरे काही माहितीच नसतो...नुसते कानावर पडते म्हणून लक्षात राहते.

माझे रामरक्षेबाबत तसेच काहीसे झाले आहे. काही जे चुकिचे किंवा अशुद्ध पाठ झाले आहे ते आता मला समजून सुद्धा दुरुस्त करता येत नाही.

म्हणूनच मी रामरक्षा सॉफ्ट कॉपी स्वरूपात शोधत होतो, म्हणजे सतत वाचून काही चुक दुरुस्त करता आली तर बघावे!

सुदैवाने मला नुकतीच ती सॉफ्ट कॉपी मिळाली (अर्थासकट!)...तुम्ही ती इथे डाऊनलोड करू शकता.

लवकरच रामनवमी आहे, तोपर्यंत जर जमले तर चुका सुधारायचा प्रयत्न आहे... बघु जमते का ते

ता. क. - मी रामरक्षा एम पी ३ इथे अपलोड केली आहे...आणि त्याचबरोबर 'मुदाकरात' हे गणपती स्तोत्र (एम पी ३) पण अपलोड केले आहे...

~ कौस्तुभ

My life and work Henry Ford

I had written a couple of posts before on My life and work by Henry ford. This is one book I immensely like and I would recommend this to everybody who is an entrepreneur, a wannabe entrepreneur, interested in Business/ Finance or like to read quality and thought provoking stuff!

I have uploaded the soft copy to my blog. You can download it here:

It is not a big fat tom, so you can very well print it and read - no need to purchase it (which anyways is difficult to get)

Do tell me how you find the book...

~ Kaustubh

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My own font – very elementary/ unrefined attempt

I created a font using template at

Since this was my first attempt, it is not very refined one - I got to know a few things about how it works e.g. which is the baseline for font and how spacing/ strokes should be adjusted.

I will try to create a new one (but it costs money :( - $15 per font)...till then you can try this and give suggestions/ feedback.

It feels nice if you could 'write' instead of 'type'!


Creating font is very simple, you just have to download template and fill it with your own handwriting

Once the font is created, you have to PAy $15 to download it. And then you can install and start using it.

Like this:


You can download this font here

~ Kaustubh