सध्या मी ईकॊनॊमिक्स वाचतो आहे...नुकतीच अर्थतज्ज्ञ सुरेश तेंडुलकर यांच्या अहवालावरची एक बातमी वाचली. त्यांनी ’दारिद्र्य रेषेची’ नवी व्याख्या मांडली आहे, आणि त्यानुसार भारतातील ३७% टक्के जनता दारिद्र्य रेषेखाली आहे असा निष्कर्ष मांडला आहे.
सध्याची गरिबीची व्याख्या ही १९७३-७४ सालातली आहे. आणि ती उष्मांकावर (Calorie consumption) आधारीत होती (त्यातही शहरातील व्यक्तीला २१०० उष्मांक लागतात आणि खेडवळ व्यक्तीला, नाही चुकलो, ’ग्रामीण’ भागातील व्यक्तीला २४०० उष्मांक प्रतिमहिना असा भेदभाव होता!)
...म्हणजे प्रत्येक भारतीय किती Calories afford करु शकतो ह्या निकषावर आधारीत. त्या पद्धती प्रमाणे भारतातील २७.५% लोक २००४ मध्ये दारिद्र्य रेषेखाली जगत होते. पण ती पद्धत खूपच कालबाह्य झाली होती. मुख्य म्हणजे ती सर्वसमावेशक नव्हती (व्वा! काय भारदस्त शब्द आहे!)
जसा काळ बदलतो तश्या आपल्या गरजा पण बदलतात. कोणे एके काळी ’रोशनी, हवा, पानी’ म्हणजे ’प्रकाश, हवा आणि पाणी’ ह्या सजीवांच्या मुख्य गरजा होत्या. त्यानंतर अर्थातच ’रोटी, कपडा, मकान’ म्हणजे ’अन्न, वस्त्र आणि निवारा’.. पण जगणे म्हणजे फक्त ’जिवंत राहाणे’ नाही...त्यामुळे गरिबीची व्याख्याही फक्त ’जिवंत रहाणे’ याच्याशी निगडीत असू शकत नाही (किंवा पिंपरीत ही!)
पण आपल्या सरकारी व्याख्येप्रमाणे ज्याला अमूक ईतक्या Calories मिळतात तो गरीब नाही आणि ज्याला त्या मिळत नाहीत तो गरीब...इतकी साधी आणि सरळ होती. पण माणसाच्या शिक्षण, आरोग्य, घर/ जमीन, बाकी सामाजिक गरजा (छानछौकी, व्यसने सुद्धा!) ह्यात प्रतिबिंबित होत नाहीत (व्वा! परत एक भारदस्त शब्द...आज काय झाले आहे मला...फारच व्रुत्तपत्रीय परिभाषा वापरतो आहे)
म्हणजे हल्लीच्या काळापुरते बोलायचे तर वर सांगितलेल्या प्राथमिक गरजा थोड्या रुंदावून आता, ’वीज, मोबाईल, ईंटरनेट’ ह्या पण ’जीवनावश्यक गरजा’ होत चालल्या आहेत. कदाचित मनोजकुमार ’रोटी, कपडा और मकान’ चा सिक्वेल बनवेल - ’बिजली, मोबाईल और ईंटरनेट’ नावाचा! असो...
तर तेंडुलकर यांनी आपल्या अहवालात नेमका हाच बदल केला आहे. त्यांनी उष्मांकावर आधारीत गरिबीची व्याख्या बदलून कमीत कमी जीवनावश्यक वस्तूंना लागणारी किंमत ही प्रमाण मानली आहे. त्यानुसार पूर्वी ग्रामीण भागातील लोकांसाठी रु. ३५६ प्रतिमहिना आणि शहरी लोकांसाठी रु. ५३९ प्रतिमहिना ही ’दारिद्र्य रेषा’ होती. आता नवीन व्याख्येप्रमाणे ती ग्रामीण भागासाठी रु. ४४७ आणि शहरी भागासाठी रु. ५७९ ईतकी वाढवण्यात आली आहे.
तुम्हाला कदाचित वाटेल की ही वाढ फारच अल्प आहे...आणि ईतकी व्याख्या बदलून शेवटी ह्या आकड्यात काही फरक पडलाच नाही...पण ते तसे नाही. खालील तक्ता पहा म्हणजे कळेल:
भारतातल्या बहुसंख्य लोकांचे दररोजचे उत्पन्न हे २ डॊलर पेक्षा कमी आहे. रोज १ डोलर पेक्षा कमी उत्पन्न असणाऱ्यांची संख्या ३५% आहे तर रोज २ डॊलर पेक्षा कमी उत्पन्न असलेले ७९.६% भारतीय आहेत!
म्हणजे केवळ १ डॊलर प्रतिदिन इतका बदल केला तर एकदम ३५ वरून ७९% ईतका मोठ्ठा फरक पडतो...आणि म्हणूनच गरिबीची व्याख्या इतकी महत्वाची आहे. कारण त्यामुळे अनेक कोटी लोक दारिद्र्य रेषेच्या वर किंवा खाली जाऊ शकतात आणि त्यापासून मिळणाऱ्या योजनांपासून वंचित राहू शकतात.
हाच निष्कर्ष तेंडुलकर समितीच्या अहवालावरून सिद्ध होतोय...फक्त गरिबीची व्याख्या थोडी व्यापक करताच भारतातील गरीबांची संख्या २७.५% (२००४ मध्ये) वरुन एक्दम ३७% इतकी वाढली. जवळजवळ १०% म्हणजे तब्बल १० कोटी पेक्षा जास्त!
पण एका अर्थी हा गरिबीच्या व्याख्येतला मूलभूत बदल झाला हे चांगलेच झा
ह्यापुढे तरी गरिबीचे खरे चित्र आपल्याला पहायला मिळेल. म्हणूनच मी शीर्षकात म्हणालो होतो - भारतातील गरीबांची संख्या वाढली - बरे झाले!
मला वाटते गरिबी हटवण्याचा सगळ्यात सोपा मार्ग सरकारसाठी हाच असेल - गरिबीची व्याख्या शिथिल करा... म्हणजे गरिबी रेषा ऎडजस्ट करा...आपोआप गरिबांची संख्या झटक्यात कमी होईल...नशीब अजून कोणा सरकारी अधिकाऱ्याच्या सुपीक डोक्यात असली योजना अजून आली नाहिये!
~ कौस्तुभ
Saturday, December 26, 2009
भारतातील गरीबांची संख्या वाढली – बरे झाले!
Friday, December 25, 2009
हरकत नाही...संदीप खरे ची कविता
संदीप खरे ची अजून एक ’हळूवार’ कविता...
मला असल्या कविता अजिबात आवडत नाहीत...पण काही जणांना मात्र असल्या ’भावनेनी बरबटलेल्या’ (बरं.. तुमच्या भाषेत ’ओथंबलेल्या’) कविता आवडतात...आणि काहिंना ह्या असल्या कविता हव्या होत्या.
मी म्हणालो मी ईमेल नी पाठवतो...पण माझ्या ब्लॊग वर नाही टाकणार...पण हळू हळू असल्या कवितांची मागणी वाढू लागली, त्यामुळे शेवटी मी ही कविता इथेच पोस्ट करत आहे...पण असे असले तरी मी आधीच सांगितल्याप्रमाणे - ही माझ्या टाईप ची कविता नाही...असो!
हरकत नाही...
हरकत नाही...
"अक्षर छान आलंय यात !"
माझी कविता वाचताना
मान तिरकी करत ती एवढंच म्हणते...
डोळ्यांत तुडुंब भरलेली झोप,
कपाळावर पेंगत बसलेले काही भुरटे केस,
निसटून गेलेली एक चुकार जांभई,
आणि नंतर...
वाचता वाचता मध्येच
आपसूक मिटलेले तुझे डोळे,
कलंडलेली मान,
आणि हातातून अशीच कधीतरी निसटलेली,
जमिनीवर पडलेली माझी कवितांची वही...
हरकत नाही, हरकत नाही;
कविता म्हणजे तरी आणखी काय असतं !!
--संदीप खरे
~ कौस्तुभ
Re-defining Poverty in India
I am reading Economics these days (I intentionally used word reading' and not 'studying' - reading is fun, studying may not be). So a less-publicized news report caught my attention and I did some research to follow it up.
The recent report by renowned economist Suresh Tendulkar states that 37.2% of the population in India is below poverty line as against 27.5% in 2004. This is not because India is not growing, but rather because Tendulkar has 'redefined' the meaning of poverty in the present context. And that was very much required; because as the report shows 1) The BPL (below poverty line) definition was skewed and 2) a slight change in the definition of poor can change the whole picture completely.
The earlier definition for 'poor' was a person from rural area who spends less than Rs. 356 per month i.e. less than $8 per month! (at Rs. 47 per USD); or a person from urban area who spends less than Rs. 539 per month i.e. $11.5 per month! (at Rs. 47 per USD) Now these figures were based on very old and outdated theory of consumption (set in 1973-74 and unchanged since then). It used no. of calories as a unit to measure the consumption - meaning that it was mainly based on nourishment i.e. food consumption i.e. spending on food i.e. prices of food. It did not take into account broader aspects of 'standard of living' such as education, health, clothing, land/house owned or other essential items.
The definition based on calories (food consumption) alone was probably right in the 50s and 60s when India did not even produce sufficient crops to feed its own population. But now (especially after 1990s) it makes little sense to use same old yardstick of 'no. of calories consumed' to define poverty.
The definition has to be more inclusive representing the current lifestyle. Shouldn't earlier essentials - Roti, Kaada aur Makaan be supplemented with Bijli, Mobile aur Internet?? Maybe yes - coz it would instigate Manoj Kumar to make a sequel to his pathetic film 'Roti, Kapda aur Makaan', giving us another master-piece of comedy. Jokes apart but there is another key aspect why the correct definition of poverty is extremely crucial - because it can change the whole picture of Indian Poverty!
Check the statistics below:
Just by changing poverty line from $1 per day to $2 per day (i.e. from Rs. 47 to Rs. 100) the % of poor in India increases from 35.1 to 79.6!!! That means almost 45% of population earns between $1 and $ 2per day.
That means tweaking poverty definition by a few Rs. can change the number of poor in India significantly. And this is what has been confirmed by Tendulkar's report. The Tendulkar committee has revised the poverty line in terms of money spent per person per month. From Rs356.30 a month, this has increased to Rs446.68 in rural areas (i.e. from $8 per month to $9.5 per month). In urban areas it has risen from Rs538.60 to Rs578.8. (i.e. from $11.5 per month to $12.3 per month)
And the % of poor in India has increased from 27.5% to 37%!!!
I am now wondering how Government can make 'easy progress' on 'eliminating poverty' just by re-defining poverty downwards...
Sunday, December 20, 2009
झेंडा - शीर्षकगीत
आत्ताच अवधूत गुप्ते दिग्दर्शित ’झेंडा’ या चित्रपटाचे शीर्षकगीत मिळाले... चित्रपटाचे प्रोमो YouTube वर आहेच...त्यावरून हा चित्रपट सरळसरळ शिवसेना आणि मनसे यावर आधारीत आहे असे वाटते. त्यामुळे प्रत्यक्ष चित्रपट कसा असेल याची उत्सुकता आहे (अर्थात जर तो प्रदर्शित झाला, किंवा होऊ दिला तर!)
शीर्षक गीत हे सारेगमप फेम ज्ञानेश्वर मेश्राम याने गायले आहे आणि संगीत अर्थातच अवधूत गुप्ते चे आहे...हे गाणे माझ्या ब्लॊग वरुन डाऊनलोड करु शकता


~ कौस्तुभ
शीर्षक गीत हे सारेगमप फेम ज्ञानेश्वर मेश्राम याने गायले आहे आणि संगीत अर्थातच अवधूत गुप्ते चे आहे...हे गाणे माझ्या ब्लॊग वरुन डाऊनलोड करु शकता
~ कौस्तुभ
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Symbol for Indian Rupee soon...
Finance Ministry will soon introduce symbol for Rupee …on lines of symbol for USD ($), British Pound, Japanese Yen etc.
Finance Ministry of India had announced a public competition in March 2009 inviting citizens of India to submit their design/ sketch for symbol of Rupee. Over 2400 participants were shortlisted in the initial round.
Now the Ministry has reduced the list to final five contestants and will soon choose one as a winner:
Once the symbol has been approved and accepted by the Government (through Legislation) it would substitute Rs. Or INR (Indian Rupee) which are currently used…This would be applicable to new currency notes and coins too!
According to Reserve Bank of India “The symbol of the rupee will have an iconic meaning, which is to convey the brand value of the currency and the nation. The launch of a symbol is a step towards making it internationally acceptable for trading”
Source: Business-Standard newspaper
So very soon you might see a symbol for Indian Rupee on your Keyboards!!!
~ Kaustubh
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Dilbert - Chief People Officer
Here is a great Dilbert toon that appeared in yesterday's Business-Standard...
C-Level titles (CEO, CFO, CIO, CTO et al) are always made fun of...it signifies importance in the organization hierarchy.
So this one takes a dig at HR Head who is now awarded C-Level title, Chief People Officer...!
~ Kaustubh
C-Level titles (CEO, CFO, CIO, CTO et al) are always made fun of...it signifies importance in the organization hierarchy.
So this one takes a dig at HR Head who is now awarded C-Level title, Chief People Officer...!
~ Kaustubh
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Warrent Buffett on 'The Investor and Market Fluctuations'
Text from The Intelligent Investor - a book by Warren Buffett's Guru Benjamin Graham. For every chapter Warren Buffett himself has written a detailed 'Commentary'...
Here is a piece from the Commentary on chapter 'The Investor and Market Fluctuations'. Warren is critical of people who check the value of their stocks several times a day and feel panicky or jubilant by short-term fluctuations of their stock value. Check this:
- Did I call a real-estate agent to check the market price of my house at 1:24 PM? Did I call back at 1:37 PM?
- If I had, would the price have changed? If it did, would I have rushed to sell my house?
- By not checking, or even knowing, the market price of my house from minute to minute, do I prevent its value from rising over time?
The only possible answer to these questions is of course not! And you should view your portfolio the same way.
Source: Commentary on Chapter 8, The Intelligent Investor
~ Kaustubh
Saturday, December 12, 2009
शरद पवारांचा आज जन्मदिन...त्यानिमित्तानी पेपरमध्ये आलेल्या पान-पान भर जाहीराती पाहून मला काही दिवसांपूर्वी निवडणूकीच्या वेळचा एक प्रसंग आठवला...
एक कट्टर शिवसैनिक (तिसऱ्या किंवा चौथ्या फळीतला) एका न्यूज चॆनेल वर... ’हिंदूह्र्दयसम्राट शिवसेनाप्रमुख माननीय श्री. बाळासाहेब ठाकरे...’ वगैरे वगैरे बोलत होता...म्हणजे त्या चॆनेल वर त्या सूत्रधारानी ’तुमचे मत थोडक्यात मांडा...तुम्हाला मी २ मिनिटांचा वेळ देतो आहे’ असे म्हटल्यावर त्या २ मिनिटांपैकी १ मिनिट सगळ्या पदव्या, उपाध्या आणि नमस्कार चमत्कार आणि आदर मानसन्मान यांच्या विशेषणांमध्ये खर्च केला आणि उरलेल्य १ मिनिटात त्याचा ’मुद्दा’ उरकला...त्याचे ही बरोबरच होते म्हणा...कारण बाकी काही बोलला नाही तरी चालेल, पण आपल्या आदरणीय नेत्याचे एक्जरी विशेषण त्याने वगळले असते तर त्याला त्याची ’मातोश्री’ आठवायची पाळी आली असती!
हा प्रसंग लोकसभा निवडणूकीच्या काळातला...पण नंतर विधानसभा निवडणूका आल्या (ज्यात हा एक ’ईच्छुक उमेदवार’ होता)...आणि ह्यानी त्याची निष्ठा बदलली आणि शरद पवारांच्या पक्षात उडी मारली...नंतर लगेचच तो त्याच चॆनेलवर त्याच कार्यक्रमात तावातावानी भांडताना दिसू लागला...फक्त राष्ट्रवादीच्या बाजूनी. तेव्हा एकदा परत ’२ मिनिटात’ आपला मुद्दा मांडताना त्याची सुरुवात होती ’आमचे आदरणीय नेते क्रुषीमंत्री ना. शरदचंद्रराव जी पवारसाहेब...’ !!!
'शरद पवार' यांचे एकदम 'शरदचंद्रराव जी पवारसाहेब'
अरेरे किती ही लाचारी...
ह्याच लाचारीला राजकारणाच्या संदर्भात ’निष्ठा’ म्हणतात...तर अध्यात्माच्या क्षेत्रात त्याचे भाषांतर ’ह.भ.प. प. पू. सदगुरू (किंवा जगतगुरू!) श्री श्री अमूक तमूक महाराज’ वगैरे होते आणि त्याला ’भक्ती’ म्हणतात.
आम्ही (म्हणजे ’स्वतः’!) त्याला लाचारी म्हणतो.
~ कौस्तुभ
शरद पवारांचा आज जन्मदिन...त्यानिमित्तानी पेपरमध्ये आलेल्या पान-पान भर जाहीराती पाहून मला काही दिवसांपूर्वी निवडणूकीच्या वेळचा एक प्रसंग आठवला...
एक कट्टर शिवसैनिक (तिसऱ्या किंवा चौथ्या फळीतला) एका न्यूज चॆनेल वर... ’हिंदूह्र्दयसम्राट शिवसेनाप्रमुख माननीय श्री. बाळासाहेब ठाकरे...’ वगैरे वगैरे बोलत होता...म्हणजे त्या चॆनेल वर त्या सूत्रधारानी ’तुमचे मत थोडक्यात मांडा...तुम्हाला मी २ मिनिटांचा वेळ देतो आहे’ असे म्हटल्यावर त्या २ मिनिटांपैकी १ मिनिट सगळ्या पदव्या, उपाध्या आणि नमस्कार चमत्कार आणि आदर मानसन्मान यांच्या विशेषणांमध्ये खर्च केला आणि उरलेल्य १ मिनिटात त्याचा ’मुद्दा’ उरकला...त्याचे ही बरोबरच होते म्हणा...कारण बाकी काही बोलला नाही तरी चालेल, पण आपल्या आदरणीय नेत्याचे एक्जरी विशेषण त्याने वगळले असते तर त्याला त्याची ’मातोश्री’ आठवायची पाळी आली असती!
हा प्रसंग लोकसभा निवडणूकीच्या काळातला...पण नंतर विधानसभा निवडणूका आल्या (ज्यात हा एक ’ईच्छुक उमेदवार’ होता)...आणि ह्यानी त्याची निष्ठा बदलली आणि शरद पवारांच्या पक्षात उडी मारली...नंतर लगेचच तो त्याच चॆनेलवर त्याच कार्यक्रमात तावातावानी भांडताना दिसू लागला...फक्त राष्ट्रवादीच्या बाजूनी. तेव्हा एकदा परत ’२ मिनिटात’ आपला मुद्दा मांडताना त्याची सुरुवात होती ’आमचे आदरणीय नेते क्रुषीमंत्री ना. शरदचंद्रराव जी पवारसाहेब...’ !!!
'शरद पवार' यांचे एकदम 'शरदचंद्रराव जी पवारसाहेब'
अरेरे किती ही लाचारी...
ह्याच लाचारीला राजकारणाच्या संदर्भात ’निष्ठा’ म्हणतात...तर अध्यात्माच्या क्षेत्रात त्याचे भाषांतर ’ह.भ.प. प. पू. सदगुरू (किंवा जगतगुरू!) श्री श्री अमूक तमूक महाराज’ वगैरे होते आणि त्याला ’भक्ती’ म्हणतात.
आम्ही (म्हणजे ’स्वतः’!) त्याला लाचारी म्हणतो.
~ कौस्तुभ
Friday, December 11, 2009
Vishy Anand turns 40 today!
One of the world's best chess player and one of India's greatest sports persons ("the greatest" to me!), Vishwanathan Anand turns 40 today!!!
A few days back other Indian sports legend, Sachin Tendulkar completed 20 yrs of his cricketing career ...and the whole nation (rightly) celebrated the occasion as if it was a National Festival!
Just to let non-chess players know, Vishy Anand rose to the international arena (comparable to Sachin's cricket debut) in 1987 when he became Chess Grand Master!
That was 1987 - 2 years before Sachin made his debut in 1989.
When Sachin is celebrating 20 yrs of his cricket he is arguably at the top of the cricketing world...but so was Vishy when he completed 20 yrs of chess in 2007! He was World Champion by then and had won umpteen awards in various forms of chess (Classical, Rapid, Blindfold)...but I don't remember he getting even 1/10th of media coverage (or people's appreciation)...
Anyways, that is the fate of any sports that is not cricket and every sports person who is not a cricketer.
Here's Vishy's biography and career at glance:
Wish him a very happy b'day...and hope he gets Bharat Ratna soon! ...ahead of Sachin Tendulkar!!! (even though I am equally big fan of Sachin)
~ Kaustubh
Monday, December 7, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Is Sachin Tendulkar the greatest schoolboy cricketer ever?
Just read a nice article on Sachin by Harsha Bhogle that he wrote way back in 1988!
Is Sachin Tendulkar the greatest schoolboy cricketer ever?
Twenty years ago, a fresh-faced youngster was being hailed as the next big thing. Would he play for India, the cognoscenti asked themselves
November 12, 2009
Author's note: This piece was written 21 years ago for Sportsworld magazine (and was only retrieved thanks to Mudar Patherya, who was a young cricket writer then). Sachin Tendulkar was 15, a year and a half away from playing Test cricket and four months short of his first-class debut. I was not yet 27, in an advertising job out of business school, with one Test match and a handful of one-dayers on Doordarshan behind me. We were both looking ahead in our own spheres. What a time it was, it was, a time of innocence...
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All of Bombay's maidans are a stage. Where every cricketer has a role to play. And his seems to be the blockbuster. Ever since he unveiled Act One early last year, audiences have been waiting, a little too eagerly at times, to watch the next scene. Sachin Tendulkar is only, so far, acting in a high-school production. Yet critics have gone to town. And rave reviews have not stopped coming in.
I guess it can only happen in Bombay. That a schoolboy cricketer sometimes becomes the talk of the town. Why, at the end of every day's play in the final of Bombay's Harris Shield (for Under 17s) everybody wanted to know how many he had made. For he does bat three days sometimes! And for all the publicity he has received, Sachin Tendulkar is
really still a kid. He only com
pleted 15 on 24 April. And is very shy. Opening out only after you have coaxed him for some time. As his coach Mr Achrekar says, "Aata thoda bolaila laglai" [He's started talking a bit now]. And it's then that you realise that his voice has not yet cracked.
really still a kid. He only com
pleted 15 on 24 April. And is very shy. Opening out only after you have coaxed him for some time. As his coach Mr Achrekar says, "Aata thoda bolaila laglai" [He's started talking a bit now]. And it's then that you realise that his voice has not yet cracked.
His record is awesome. He has scored far more runs than all of us scored looking dreamily out of the window in a boring Social Studies class when we were his age.
For a prodigy, he started late. When he was nine years old. And it was only in 1984-85 that he scored his first school-level fifty. But 1985-86 was a little better. He scored his first Harris Shield hundred and played for Bombay in the Vijay Merchant (Under-15) tournament. And 1986-87 was when he blossomed. Still only 13, he led his school, Shardashram Vidyamandir, to victory in the Giles Shield (for Under-15s). He scored three centuries - 158*, 156 and 197 - and then in the Harris Shield scored 276, 123 and 150. In all, he scored nine hundreds, including two double hundreds, a total of 2336 runs.
By now everyone had begun to sit up and take notice. The beginning of the 1987-88 season saw Sachin at the Ranji nets. Once again the top players were away playing Tests and perhaps the Bombay selectors felt it wouldn't be a bad idea to give Sachin first-hand experience of a higher category of cricket. He was named in the 14 for the first couple of games, and manager Sandeep Patil kept sending him out whenever possible - for a glass of water or a change of gloves. All along Sachin probably knew that he was still at best a curiosity, and that while Bombay was giving him every blooding opportunity, he had to prove himself on the maidans.
And that is exactly what he did. Season 1987-88 was a purple patch that never ended. Playing in the Vijay Merchant tournament he scored 130 and 107 and then at the Inter-Zonal stage he made 117 against the champions, East Zone. Then in the Vijay Hazare tournament (for Under-17s) he scored 175 for West Zone against champions East Zone.
Then came the avalanche. A 178* in the Giles Shield and a sequence in the Harris Shield of 21*, 125, 207*, 329* and 346*! A small matter of 1028 runs in five innings! And in the course of that innings of 329* he set the much talked-about record of 664 for the third wicket with Vinod Kambli, who, it is not always realised, scored 348*. Perhaps the most fascinating of them all was the innings of 346*. Coming immediately, as it did, in the shadow of the world record, a lot of people were curious to see him bat. Sachin ended the first day on 122, batted through the second to finish with 286, and when the innings closed around lunch on the third day, he was 346*. And then came back to bowl the first ball. In April's Bombay summer.
"People don't realise that he is just 15. They keep calling him for some felicitation or the other. The other day he was asked to inaugurate a children's library. This is ridiculous. These things are bound to go to his head. He will start thinking he has achieved everything."Tendulkar's coach, Ramakant Achrekar | |||
But when did this story begin? Like all children, Tendulkar took to playing "galli" cricket. His brother Ajit was a good player and persuaded Mr Achrekar, probably Bombay's most famous coach, to look at him. Achrekar recalls, "When he first came to my net four-five years ago, he looked just like any other boy and I didn't take him seriously. Then one day I saw him bat in an adjacent net. He was trying to hit every ball but I noted that he was middling all of them. Some time later he got a fifty and a friend of mine, who was umpiring that game, came and told me that this boy would play for India. I laughed at him and said that there were so many boys like him in my net. But he insisted. 'Mark my words, he will play for India.' My friend is dead now but I'm waiting to see if his prophecy comes true.'
Tendulkar is taking first steps towards getting there. He discovered that his house, being in Bandra, would not allow him to be at Shivaji Park whenever he wanted. He now spends most of his time at his uncle's house, just off this nursery of Bombay cricket. When he is not actually playing, that is.
Quite often, he is playing all day; important because it has helped him build the stamina to play long innings. "I don't get tired," he says, referring to them. "If you practise every day, you get used to it."
And what about that world-record innings? "I could bat very freely then because my partner Vinod Kambli was batting so well that I knew that even if I failed, he would get enough runs for the side."
Isn't there a lot of pressure on him now? Everyone assumes he will get a big score? "Only in the beginning. Till I get set. Once I get set, I don't think of anything."
Wasn't he thrilled at being invited to the Ranji nets? "Definitely. After playing there I got a lot of confidence."
Everything in Tendulkar's life has so far revolved around cricket. Including his choice of school. A few years back he shifted to Shardashram Vidyamandir, only so that he could come under the eye of Achrekar. "It helped me tremendously because 'sir's' guidance is so good," he says.
Strangely his parents were never very keen about cricket. His brother Ajit says, "They were not very interested in the game, though they gave him all the encouragement. You see, in our colony all parents were training their children to be engineers and doctors. And they would say, "Gallit khelun cricketer hoto kai?" [You don't become a cricketer by playing in the alleys]. I am so happy he is doing well because now people think he is doing something."
The question that arises then, given all the publicity is: Just how good is Sachin Tendulkar?
"For his age, unbelievable," says Sharad Kotnis, Bombay's veteran cricket watcher. "He is definitely comparable to Ashok Mankad, who had a similar run many years ago. But remember Ashok had cricket running in his family and his father often came to see him play. I think Tendulkar's strongest point is that he is willing to work very hard."
Luckily for Sachin, there is a calming influence over him, just so he doesn't get carried away by this acclaim. His coach Achrekar knows exactly what he is talking about. "He is not perfect yet. Far from it. In fact, I would say he is not even halfway there. He still has a lot of faults, particularly while driving through the on, which is an indicator of a class batsman. He still has a long way to go, but what I like about him is his ability to work hard. I don't think we should get carried away by his scores. After all, one has to take into account the nature of the wicket and the quality of the bowlers. By his standards the quality of the bowling he faced was not good enough.
"His real test will come this year when he plays in the 'A' Division of the Kanga League. [Sachin will play for the Cricket Club of India, which for him has waived the stipulation that children under 18 are not allowed inside the Club House!] He should get 70s and 80s there and not just 20s and 30s; particularly towards the end of the season, when the wickets get better."
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Achrekar, in fact, is quite upset about the publicity Sachin is getting. "People don't realise that he is just 15. They keep calling him for some felicitation or the other. The other day he was asked to inaugurate a children's library. This is ridiculous. These things are bound to go to his head. He will start thinking he has achieved everything. I hope all this stops so he can concentrate and work hard."
Yet both Achrekar and Kotnis agree on when they think Sachin will become a Ranji regular. "I think he should be playing the Ranji Trophy next year. I think it is unfair to compare him to the [Lalchand] Rajputs and [Alan] Sippys yet, but I think he should play next year," feels Kotnis. And Achrekar adds, "Inspite of what I said about him, if he maintains this kind of progress, he should play the Ranji next year."
Clearly the curtain call is still a long way off for Sachin Tendulkar. He has a lot of things going for him. Most importantly he is in Bombay, where the sheer atmosphere can propel him ahead. In how many cities would a 15-year-old be presented a Gunn and Moore by the Indian captain? And in which other city would the world's highest run-getter write to a 15-year-old asking him not to get disheartened at not getting the Best Junior Cricketer award?
Sunil Gavask
ar wrote to Tendulkar to tell him that several years earlier another youngster too had not got the award and that he didn't do too badly in Test cricket. For him the letter from his hero is a prized possession. Another great moment was a meeting with him where "… he told me that I should forget the past every time I go to bat. I should always remember that I have to score runs each time."
ar wrote to Tendulkar to tell him that several years earlier another youngster too had not got the award and that he didn't do too badly in Test cricket. For him the letter from his hero is a prized possession. Another great moment was a meeting with him where "… he told me that I should forget the past every time I go to bat. I should always remember that I have to score runs each time."
He is in the right company. And the right environment. The next few years will show whether he has it in him the mental toughness to overcome the over-exposure. If it does not go to his head, surely there is a great future beckoning. This is really just the beginning and I will be watching this little star with avid interest for the next three years.
If he is still charting blockbusters, I'd love to do another review then.
by Harsha Bhogle
~ Kaustubh
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