Sunday, October 17, 2010
एका नवीन नाटकाची जाहिरात...
सादर करीत आहे (५० डेसिबलचा) छोटा फटाका...
आजोबा, मला पॊकेटमनी पुरत नाही. बाबा म्हणाले ’आजोबांकडे जा, मला पण तेच देतात.’
हं, बोल किती पाहिजेत?
नाही, मला आता माझा धंदा सुरू करायचाय, स्वतःच दुकान...!
आजोबा (सदगदीत होऊन): बाळा, किती लवकर हाताशी आलास रे...आजच तुला तुझं स्वतःच दुकान उघडून देतो...नाव काय ठेवणार आहेस?
’युवा सेना!!’ .......कसं वाटलं???
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Leadership vs Management and Gyan
A few days ago there was high-level Strategic Planning Meeting within my organization to plan for the internal goal/ initiative. The goal is to double the revenue by 2012 and to quadruple it by 2015!!! Certainly a very ambitious and daunting task…
So I was overwhelmed when I received following message in my Inbox:
As we continue to march forward, we need to periodically reassess our market position and reinvent ourselves to stay relevant to our customer needs and expectations. We should anticipate emerging trends and align our strategies to capitalize on growth opportunities.
This year we will do this assessment and map out the charter for future growth and development at our Strategic Planning Meeting…and will share immediate communication and updates of these discussions with you on a daily basis...
Now my excitement was not only because the organization was going to share with me the daily updates, thereby making me feel part of the BIG initiatives – creating a sense-of-belonging – but it was also because, I had this complaint about this organization for a long time, that nothing was planned, there was no strategy for growth, no vision, no action plan. Success had happened purely because they were present at right time and right place – and even the so-called ‘success’ was great or anything – just modest growth… So I was happy to finally see some Strategic Planning happening and was eager to know what our leaders (not just top but second and third tier management) think/ say. In last 2 years that I have been at this organization I have never seen how our BU head looks – forget about what he thinks and says! So I was all excited…
Now all my excitement faded and finally turned into anger and irritation when I read through the daily blabbering of so-called thought leaders at my organization. Here is the compilation of their ‘pearls of wisdom’ and then I will continue with my thoughts and cause for my irritation. (Pls. note that this was a Strategic Planning meet aimed at identifying action plan for a time-bound goal – to double and quadruple the revenue in 2 and 5 years respectively. Not some conclave where thought leaders sit together and discuss something abstract and totally unintelligible)
XYZ has made good progress and we need to continue to enrich our passion and energy to support creativity and innovation. We need to continuously innovate to provide valuable products to our customers at right times with genuine customer orientation
Customers partner with us because we know more about them, respond to their needs, appreciate their business, build trust and form intimate relationships over the lifetime. We need to deepen relations with our customer and prospects and commit long term sustainable delights.
Without an action and execution plan, a vision is just a dream. Collaboration and execution will drive us to realize our goal. We need to visualize broadening of our roles that entails greater collaboration across business units, horizontals, support functions, markets and sectors.
To best serve our customers, we need to move beyond our silos and enable efficient sharing of knowledge and experiences. Collaboration and co-operation of activities are keys to effectively serve customers.
Participating at current year's ongoing Strategy meet, I am confident of one fact: XYZ is set for Unfettered Growth. We are geared for a new phase of larger growth and expansion.
We, as a team are planning for growth while keeping a careful eye on costs. I and my team are committed and getting ready for the goal, Are you?
XYZ has notably made progress and we should continue to optimize our market position harnessing our passion, talent and innovation. Our charter is to reduce time to market for fulfilling opportunities by engaging with key market influencers, drive new accounts to quickly become strategic accounts and with strong collaboration across the organization to Key accounts. We also focus on leadership training-developing and nurturing talent.
Integrated service offerings, product partnerships with leading and relevant players in market place and a globalized talent pool will only accelerate growth
XYZ’s Strategic Meet 2010 is focused on laying charter for XYZ’s future growth and development. Key areas of focus for us is aligning business services with IT structures and IT modernization amongst other key initiatives that we currently pursue
XYZ has exciting times ahead and with our commitment we progress towards our goal. To achieve this thrust, we need to collaborate, strive for zero defects in what we do and continuously look for opportunities
Involving, mentoring and training the identified talent will support taking up skill positions. Our focus is to build new accounts, have clear aligned new account strategies, enlarge footprint in existing accounts and focus on building product partnership and service offerings.
With a dedicated focus on these we will achieve growth
To continue delivering value to our customers and achieve the aspired growth, building domain expertise, differentiated accelerators and offerings and strategic product partnerships will be key. We need to commit ourselves to continue our efforts to position XYZ as the best on the outsourcing landscape.
XYZ Strategy Meeting 2010 is focused on building collaboration and integration for XYZ. External markets present very exciting opportunities in fields like Cloud Computing and Analytics for us to join forces and develop. XYZ Finance team will work in partnership with business groups to exploit these opportunities and be an enabler for future growth – funniest of all….from Finance team
XYZ is poised for growth and with collaboration we will build strength and take advantage of opportunities that arise in our industry. To drive us towards the goal, integrated IT-BPO service offerings, focus on new geographies and investment in technology and domain skills form key focus areas for us.
Key is to focus on what we want to achieve and execute it, and we will take XYZ to newer heights.
Our focus is on People Excellence as People excellence will lead to organizational excellence. While there will be focus on talent acquisition and training, the key drivers to People Excellence would be Leadership excellence, Process excellence, Innovation & Learning and Recognition & Employee Engagement.
We will together help XYZ progress to achieve its goal. … (HR – who else??!!)
XYZ’s verticals and horizontals, sales and support functions are all geared up to use collaborative efforts and use our strength to achieve our target. We should continue to provide innovative, offshore centric solutions to our customers. By focused process orientation we provide delivery excellence and value add to our clients.
Focus on geographical expansion of customer base beyond US and UK and geographical expansion of delivery centers beyond India will further fuel our progress towards our goal
XYZ’s talent is the source of its competitive advantage. I will personally drive 3 specific initiatives to help develop this key capability. Spend 2 hours every week on people development with my immediate and extended teams, participate at least 1 new hire induction every month and execute a structured engagement plan with our client facing teams – (This one came from the head of Strategic Initiatives – the only one that made sense and was relevant to the goal!)
XYZ’s journey gets better and better as the years roll on. While we are proud of our accomplishments, we know there is more work to be done. We know that success doesn’t belong to one area or one person; it belongs everywhere and to everyone and we will collaborate to ensure that XYZ’s exciting journey continues to go on.
There is much happening in the market place and we are recognizing and gearing ourselves to continue maintain our leadership market position. Disruptive technologies like Cloud Computing form our focus areas and we commit to take help our customers navigate through this turbulence.
We operate with a Global Mindset, support a Culture of Collaboration, foster a Passion for Learning, encourage Employee Development and Value The Individual. Key areas we focus today cover leveraging strong BNFS positioning using global experience, deliver strong set of service offerings and seed anchor accounts to ensure sustainable growth.
XYZ continues to draw strength from its employees, strong client relationships, excellent track record, and its strong positioning as it looks to achieve greater successes. Integrated service offerings, ownership and collaboration across the organization will support XYZ to reach newer heights
A lot of dedication, hard work and collaboration has led us to where we are today. We realize that there's no short cut or silver bullet for achieving success in the marketplace and with team work and leveraging each others strengths we will make a difference.
There is no one formula to success. Continuous innovation to deliver new valuable solutions and improving operational excellence remains our team’s charter. Addressing customer needs at right times and with right solutions is our focus.
Market is changing and so are customer needs. We focus to enhance XYZ’s market position by deploying newer and better marketing practices. Improving XYZ’s brand visibility, understanding trends and pulse of the market place and supporting XYZ’s sales endeavors forms our charter
Consistently delivering value to our customers is essential. We have a great platform which has potential to deliver value and we commit ourselves to leverage such critical service offerings to take to market.
We will focus on developing competition analysis framework to create growth opportunities. We plan to form capability leadership teams to execute and support various strategic initiatives. Key is to maintain operational excellence and people excellence. People are our assets and we will ensure People excellence by maintaining Effective People engagements, Transparent Performance Management and Clear career growth planning. Horizontal and Vertical Interlock and zero tolerance on Quality compliance will be our force.
We need to collaborate, execute and replicate our successes to ensure XYZ’s growth.
XYZ’s unity of talent, energy and new ideas is enormous. Maintaining the industry leading standards and working together as one is important. We will contribute to ensure we as XYZ are amongst the best on the outsourcing landscape
Our focus on Operational and People Excellence is going to lead XYZ to be recognized as the best in the industry. This will ensure world class IT shop floor for our customer delivering First time Right.
The Strategic Meet made evident that there is tremendous potential waiting to be harnessed within XYZ. It has led us to understand how we need to manage growth and collaborate to success
Our team will be focused to ensure customer delight. We will close on business solution SME's who are key drivers of growth. To ensure people excellence we will mentor emerging leaders and create opportunities of growth for our employees
My take away from the meeting is to take the ownership of my work, take initiatives for the organization, closely collaborate with my colleagues and departments and ensure that I leave no stone unturned to achieve our goals.
With our collective and sincere efforts, I am confident our growth will only multiply at a much rapid rate from here.
We will make strategic investments in building competencies around our core strategy.
We will ensure People Excellence by introducing new Career Tracks, deeply focus on Employee Engagement activities and enable Leadership Connection with our teams.
The “think big” excitement from the strategic meet must flow into every employee
Inculcating XYZ’s value system, creating a high performance work culture and providing ample opportunities to do different things using rotation is a key element that will be practiced to ensure people excellence.
We will focus on expanding existing accounts, winning large accounts. Expansion in other key geographies and investment in sales teams to expand outreach will help us build promising presence
This was what the great leaders said during a five-day high-flying meet – considering their paychecks and the way the grand event was hosted – a good number of $$$ (6 digits sum at least – if not seven digits) must have been spent!
In the end I received the following message:
…The concluding Day 5 of Strategic Planning Meet was culminated into each BU and horizontal presenting their plan in support of our goal….
Our BU level plans are interlocked with horizontal and region plans. We will have a common definition of success and we will support each other to achieve as per defined objectives within specified timelines.
… clearly Collaboration and Ownership are essential to our success and we recognized these two themes as key.
immediate attention to Operational/Delivery Excellence
Business excellence will be a result of people, quality and delivery excellence.”
How did you find this whole thing? If you were an employee, would you have been all charged up and excited and enlightened? Or would you have been confused and harassed by jargons, buzzwords, lack of clarity or action plan, to-do items???
The verbal diarrhea might have been well received by the participants of this meet but what did they prove or achieve by sharing this with all employees? Most employees ignored (promptly deleted emails without bothering to skim through the daily updates), many did not even know what Strategic Meet is or how it affects or influences them…few others who did care and bother to track the minutes were clueless, disappointed and irritated (like me!)
This got me thinking about a few things:
- Are these strategic meets (and similar other high-flying initiatives/ events) for real or gimmicks to fool media, customers, investors, employees and management themselves? Do they produce results? How many of such initiatives succeed and how many fail?
- Do such meets have any co-relation with what these leaders would do when they disperse and go back to Business As Usual?
- Do, at any point in time later, they measure the outcome vis-à-vis the strategic planning that was done earlier? Or do they just keep on sitting through the meetings as a ritual – without bothering about its effectiveness? (There was an earlier initiative in my organization – with some goals for 2010..that just evaporated as we entered 2010 and set new goals for 2012 and 2015…nobody at top bothered to discuss or reflect upon the earlier goal and take away from it. I am sure similar meetings/ presentations, brain-storming must have happened when the earlier goal was launched/ announced. And partly the same crowd must have sat through the recent strategic meet)
- Do people understand the intensity and significance of words ‘excellence’, ‘leveraging’, ‘innovation’, ‘end-to-end solution’ etc.? They have become so blunt and commonplace that you don’t feel excited hearing them… The head of strategic initiatives was the only person who spoke something tangible and actionable – the rest was Gyan (that too of inferior quality and jargon). I remember an incidence sometime back when we were preparing presentation for a prospective customer and the aim was to ‘demonstrate our capabilities and propose an end-to-end-solution’…a complete rowdy Account Manager (who was going to deliver the presentation!) looked at the first-cut (another buzzword…) and said ‘…arre kuch naya daalate hain iss baar…ek kaam kar, yeh Engagement Model wala slide edit kar…uss mein ek ‘Centre of Excellence’ ka box daal do. Aur usko ‘Knowledge Management’ aur ‘seamless integration with service offerings’ waale box ke saath join kar do. Achchha dikhegaa…thoda punch aayega solution mein!’ I was simultaneously laughing and feeling like punching that guy in nose! A few days ago a US senator called Indian IT giant Infosys ‘chop shop’ - a disgraceful remark aimed not just at Infosys but the entire Indian outsourcing industry. I am not too sure that his comments were entirely disgraceful and there was no element of truth in it. But that apart, what I was surprised at was – the entire industry (including respectful and thoughtful names) condemned such harsh words – but the same people seem to ignore when we demean and ridicule such words as ‘centre of excellence’ and ‘ innovation’ and ‘providing value to customer’. I do not see much difference in the two extremes – the US ridiculing our industry as chop-shop and we ridiculing customer’s intelligence by loosely using phrases ‘centre of excellence’, ‘best-in-class solutions’, ‘state of the art or cutting-edge technology’ etc. In fact if I were to choose between the two extremes, I would rather go with ‘chop-shop’ coz I see some element of truth there!
- Do people at top understand difference between Management and Leadership? Is it sufficient to wear designer suits and talk jargon to be considered as a Leader? One of the Ten Things of Google Philosophy says ‘You can be serious without a suit’ – most of the Indian leaders seem to think otherwise.
- Is is not necessary to talk sense and be relevant? What is such great fascination for high-flying hollow buzzwords? Why can’t people understand their role and restrict to their sphere of work? Look at the funniest comment above (marked in red). It comes from Finance department. Why on earth, the finance department – purely a support function within IT organization with no role to play in main business – would talk about (or even dare to mention) Cloud Computing? I guess the person would feel like a ‘social outcaste’ in that meet if he did not use that lingo…but that would not make him a laughing stock as he would (or did) – by talking about Cloud Computing.
- Lastly – how much of this Gyan is under the influence of management studies (MBA etc.) or imitating the ‘true leaders’??? I am sure most of these people wouldn’t have done MBA but may have some fascination for it. Or some might be reading the true thought leaders world-over and might desire to talk/ think like them. Nothing wrong in it – in fact it’s perfectly alright! But the problem is – if it is not backed by sound thinking and/ or owning/ inculcating that lingo then that talk remains superficial – only hollow bubbles of words. Quoting one leader at the above mentioned meeting ‘The “think big” excitement from the strategic meet must flow into every employee’…and for this to happen this excitement must first be real and honest at the source – the great leaders!
I am very much confident that the organization is NOT going to meet the goal (nowhere even closer) and have strong reasons/ data to support it. Let’s see what happens in reality. I will keep a close eye on how this story unfolds…
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
मराठी मोजमापे…
धान्य मोजण्याची मापं :
दोन नेळवी = एक कोळवे
दोन कोळवी = एक चिपटे
दोन चिपटी = एक मापटे
दोन मापटी = एक शेर
दोन शेर = एक अडशिरी
दोन अडशिर्या = एक पायली
सोळा पायल्या = एक मण
वीस मण = एक खंडी
चार शेर= एक पायली
आठ पायली= एक कुडव
आठ कुडव= एक गिध
वीस कुडव= एक खंडी.
एक शेर म्हणजे जवळपास ८५० ग्रॅम. एक पायली म्हणजे ४.५ कीलोला थोडे कमी भरते.
सोने-चांदी-औषध मोजण्याची मापं :
गुंज तुम्हाला माहीतच असेल. नसेल तर इथे पहा : गुंज
आठ गुंजा = एक मासा
बारा मासे = एक तोळा
अंक :
१ - एक
१० - दहा
१०० - शंभर
१००० - हजार
१०००० - दहा हजार
१००००० - लक्ष
१०००००० - दशलक्ष
१००००००० - कोटी
१०००००००० - दशकोटी
१००००००००० - अब्ज
१०००००००००० - खर्व
१००००००००००० - निखर्व
१०००००००००००० - महापद्म
१००००००००००००० - शंकू
१०००००००००००००० - जलधी
१००००००००००००००० - अन्त्य
१०००००००००००००००० - मध्य
१००००००००००००००००० - परार्ध
चलन :
तीन पै = एक पैसा
दोन पैसे = एक ढब्बू पैसा
दोन ढब्बू पैसे = एक आणा
दोन आणे = एक चवली
दोन चवल्या = एक पावली
दोन पावल्या = एक अधेली
दोन अधेल्या = एक रुपया
अंतर :
तीन फूट = एक यार्ड
१७६० यार्ड = एक मैल
दोन मैल = एक कोस
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Speech by JAVED AKHTAR at India Today Conclave...and response by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Javed Akhtar and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar both participated in India Today Conclave - where Javed Akhtar delivered this speech. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar responded to it later (not at the conclave).
Spirituality: Halo or Hoax?
Speech by JAVED AKHTAR at India Today Conclave
I am quite sure ladies and gentlemen, that in this august assembly nobody would envy my position at this moment. Speaking after such a charismatic and formidable personality like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is like coming out of the pavilion to play after Tendulkar has made a sparkling century. But in some weak moment I had committed myself.
There are certain things that I would like to make very clear at the very outset. Dont get carried away by my name Javed Akhtar. I am not revealing a secret, I am saying something that I have said many times, in writing or on TV, in public I am an atheist, I have no religious beliefs. And obviously I dont believe in spirituality of some kind. Some kind!
Another thing. I am not standing here to criticize, analyze, or attack this gentleman who is sitting here. We have a very pleasant, civilized relation. I have always found him to be an extremely courteous person.
One is talking about an idea, an attitude, a mindset. Not any individual. I must tell you that when Rajeev opened this session, for a moment I felt that I have come to the wrong place. Because, if we are discussing the philosophy of Krishan and Gautam and Kabir, Vivekanand, then I have nothing to say. I can sit down right now. I am not here to discuss a glorious past of which I suppose every Indian is proud, and rightly so. I am here to discuss a dubious present.
India Today has invited me and I have come here to talk of spirituality today. Let's not be confused by this word spirituality, you can find two people with the same name and they can be totally different people. Ram Charit Manas was written by Tulsidas. And the television film has been made by Ramanand Sagar. Ramayan is common but I dont think it would be very wise to club Tulsidas with Ramanand Sagar. I remember, when he had written Ramcharit Manas, he had faced a kind of a social boycott. How could he write a holy book in such a language like Avadhi? Sometimes I wonder fundamentalists of all hues and all colors, religions and community show how similar they are. In 1798, a gentleman called Shah Abdul Qadir, in this very city, for the first time translated Quran in Urdu, and all the ulemas of that time gave fatwa against him that how could he translate this holy book in such a heathen language.
When Tulsi wrote Ramcharit Manas and he was boycotted, I remember a chowpai that he had written.
*Dhut kaho abdhut kaho rajput kaho ki julawa kohu*
*Kohu ki beti se beta na biahab, kohu ki jaat bigaar na chahu*
*Mang ke khaibo, mehjid ma raihbo, lebe ka ek na debe ka dohu*
Ramanand Sagar, when he made his television serial, he made millions. I am not undermining him, but obviously he is much lower in the rung. I will give you another example. Perhaps it would be more direct and more appropriate. Gautam came out of a palace and went into wilderness to find the truth. But nowadays we see, the modern age gurus, come out of the wilderness and wind up in the palaces. They are moving in the opposite direction. We can't talk of them in the same breath. So let us not hide behind names which are dear and respectable for every Indian.
When I was invited to give this talk, I felt that yes, I am an atheist, try to be a rationalist in any given situation, Maybe that's why I have been called. But suddenly I have realized that there is another quality that I share with Modern Age gurus. I work in films. We have lot in common. Both of us, sell dreams, both of us create illusions, both of us create icons, but with a difference. After three hours we put a placard 'the end'. Go back to reality. They don't.
So ladies and gentlemen, let me make it very clear that I have come to talk of this spirituality that has a supermarket in the world. Arms, drugs and spirituality these are the three big businesses in the world. But in arms and drugs you really have to do something, give something. That's the difference. Here you don't have to give anything.
In this supermarket you get instant Nirvana, Moksha by mail, a crash course in self realization, cosmic consciousness in four easy lessons. This supermarket has its chain all over the world, where the restless elite buy spiritual fast food. I am talking about this spirituality.
Plato in his dialogues has said many a wise thing, and one of them is before starting any discussion decide on the meanings of words. Let us try to decide on the meaning of this word spirituality. Does it mean love for mankind that transcends all religion, caste, creed, race? Is that so? Then I have no problem. Except that I call it humanity. Does it mean love of plants, trees, mountains, oceans, rivers, animals? The non-human world? If that is so, again I have no problem at all. Except that I call it environmental consciousness. Does spirituality mean heartfelt regard for social institutions like marriage, parenthood, fine arts, judiciary, freedom of expression. I have no problem again sir, how can I disagree here? I call it civil responsibility. Does spirituality mean going into your own world trying to understand the meaning of your own life? Who can object on that? I call it self-introspection, self assessment. Does spirituality mean Yoga? Thanks to Patanjali, who has given us the details of Yoga, *Yam, Yatam, aasan, pranayam*We may do it under any name, but if we are doing pranayam, wonderful. I call it health-care. Physical fitness.
Now is it a matter of only semantics. If all this is spirituality, then what is the discussion. All these words that I have used are extremely respectable and totally acceptable words. There is nothing abstract or intangible about them. So why stick to this word spirituality? What is there in spirituality that has not been covered by all these words? Is there something? If that is so then what is that?
Somebody in return can ask me what is my problem with this word. I am asking to change it, leave it, drop it, make it obsolete but why so? I will tell you what is my reservation. If spirituality means all this then there is no discussion. But there is something else which makes me uneasy. In a dictionary, the meaning of spirituality is rooted in a word called spirit. When mankind didn't know whether this earth is round or flat, he had decided that human beings are actually the combination of two things. Body and spirit. Body is temporary, it dies. But the spirit is, shall I say, non-biodegradable. In your body you have a liver and heart and intestines and the brain, but since the brain is a part of the body, and mind lies within the brain, it is inferior because ultimately the brain too shall die with the body, but don't worry, you are not going to die, because you are your spirit, and the spirit has the supreme consciousness that will remain, and whatever problem you have is because you listen to your mind. Stop listening to your mind. Listen to your spirit - the supreme consciousness that knows the cosmic truth. All right. Its not surprising that in Pune there is an ashram and I used to go there. I loved the oratory. On the gate of the lecture hall there was a placard. Leave your shoes and minds here. There are other gurus who don't mind if you carry your shoes. But minds? Sorry!
Now, if you leave your mind what do you do? You need the Guru to find the next station of consciousness. That hides somewhere in the spirit. He has reached the supreme consciousness, he knows the supreme truth. But can he tell you. No sir, he cannot tell you. So can you find out on your own? No sir, you need the guru for that. You need him but he cannot guarantee that you will know the ultimate truth and what is that ultimate truth? What is the cosmic truth? Relating to cosmos? I have really not been able to understand that. The moment we step out of the solar system the first star is Alpha Centuari. It is just four light years away. How do I relate to that!! What do I do!!
So the emperor is wearing robes that only the wise can see. And the emperor is becoming bigger and bigger. And there are more and more wise people who are appreciating the robe.
I used to think that actually spirituality is the second line of defense for the religious people. When they get embarrassed about traditional religion, when it starts looking too down-market, they hide behind this smokescreen of cosmos and super consciousness. But that is not the complete truth. Because the clientele of traditional religion and spirituality is different. You take the map of the world, you start marking places which are extremely religious, within India or outside India, Asia, Latin America, Europe wherever. You will find that wherever there is lot of religion there is lack of human rights. There is repression. Anywhere. Our Marxist friends used to say that religion is the opium of poor masses, the sigh of the oppressed. I don't want to get into that discussion. But spirituality nowadays is definitely the tranquilizer of the rich.
You see that the clientele is well heeled, it is the affluent class. Alright, so the guru gets power, high self esteem, status, wealth (which is not that important), power and lot of wealth too. What does the disciple get? When I looked at them carefully I realized that there are categories and categories of these disciples. Its not a monolith. There are different kinds of followers. Different kinds of disciples. One, who is rich, successful, doing extremely well in his life, making money, gaining property. Now, since he has everything he wants absolution too. So guru tells him - whatever you are doing, is *niskaam karma *you are playing a role, this is all *Maya*, the money that you are making everyday and the property that you are acquiring, you are not emotionally involved with it. You are just playing a role. You come to me because you are in search of eternal truth. Maybe your hands are dirty, but your spirit and soul are pure. And this man, he starts feeling wonderful about himself. For seven days he is exploiting the world, and at the end of the seven days when he goes and sits at the feet of the guru, he feels I am a sensitive person
There is another category. That too comes from the affluent class. But he is not the winner like the first one. You know winning or losing that is also relative. A rickshaw-wallah if he is gambling on the pavement and wins hundred rupees will feel victorious, and if a corporate man makes only 300 million dollars, while his brother is a billionaire, he will feel like a failure. Now, what does this rich failure do? He needs a guru to tell him who says that you have failed? You have other worlds, you have another vision, you have other sensibility that your brother doesn't have. He thinks that he is successful, wrong. The world is very cruel, you know. The world tells you honestly, no sir, you have got three out of ten. The other person has seven out of ten. Fair. They will treat you that way and they will meet you that way. There he gets compassion. There he plays another game.
Another category. And I will talk about this category not with contempt or with any sense of superiority, not any bitterness, but all the compassion available one that is a very big client of this modern day guru and today's spirituality, is the unhappy rich wife. Here is a person who put all her individuality, aspirations and dreams, and her being at the altar of marriage and in return she got an indifferent husband. Who at the most gave her a couple of children. Who is rather busy with his work, or busy with other women. This woman needs a shoulder. She knows that she is an existential failure. There is nothing to look forward to. She has a vacuous, empty, comfortable yet purposeless life. It's sad, but it is true.
Then there are other people. Who are suddenly traumatized. They lose a child. The wife dies. The husband dies. Or they lose the property, they lose their business. Something happens that shocks them and they ask why me? So who do they ask? They go to the Guru. And the guru tells him that this is Karma. But there is another world if you follow me. Where there is no pain. Where there is no death. Where there is immortality. Where there is only bliss. He tells all these unhappy souls follow me and I will take you to heaven, to paradise, where there is no pain. I am sorry sir, it is disappointing but true that there is no such paradise. Life will always have a certain quota of pain, of hurts, a possibility of defeats. But they do get some satisfaction.
Somebody may ask me if they are feeling better, if they are getting peace then what is your problem. It reminds me of a story that I have read. It's an old Indian story told by a sage, that a hungry dog finds a dry bone and tries to eat it and in the process bites its own tongue. And the tongue is bleeding and the dog feels that he is getting nourishment from the bone. I feel sad. I don't want them, these adults, to behave like this because I respect them. Drugs and alcohol are also supposed to give mental peace and serenity, but is that kind of piece or serenity desirable or advisable?
The answer is no. Any mental peace that is not anchored in rational thoughts is nothing but self-deception. Any serenity that takes you away from truth is just an illusion, a mirage. I know that there is a kind of a security in this which is like the security of a tri-cycle. If you are riding a tri-cycle you can't fall. But adults do not ride tricycles. They ride bi-cycles. They can even fall. It is a part of life.
There is one more kind. Like everybody who is the member of the golf club is not fond of golf. In the same way everybody who is seen in an ashram is not a spiritual person. A film producer who is an ardent follower of a guru, whose ashram is about two hours from Delhi once told me that you must go to my Guru. You will see the who's who of Delhi there. Let me tell you my Guruji is another Chandraswami in the making. Now this is a contact point for networking. I have great respect for people who are spiritual, or religious, and in spite of this they are good people. And I have a reason. I believe that like every emotion or feeling, you have a limitation.
You can see up to a point. And you can't see further. You can hear up to a point, but beyond that you won't be able to register sounds. You can mourn up to a point and then you will get over your mourning. You will feel happy up-to a point and then you will be through with your happiness. Same way, I am sure that you have a certain capacity for nobility also. You can be as noble and no more. Now suppose if we count this capacity for nobility in the average man as ten units, now anybody who goes to pray in a mosque five times is consuming his five units, there anybody who goes to the temple or sits in the feet of the Guru, he is consuming his quota of nobility there. And in a totally non-productive manner. I don't go to pray. I don't pray. If I don't go to any guru, or mosque or temple or church, what do I do with my quota of nobility. I will have to help somebody, feed somebody, give shelter to somebody. People who use their quota in worshipping, praying, adoring religious figures and spiritual figures, in spite of that, if they are left with some nobility, hats off to them.
You may ask me, that if I have this kind of ideas about religious people, why should I show such reverence for Krishan and Kabir and Gautam? You can ask me. I'll tell you why I respect them. These were the great contributors in the human civilization. They were born in different points of time in history, in different situations. But one thing is common in them. They stood up against injustice. They fought for the downtrodden. Whether it was Ravana, or Kansha or the pharaoh or the high priests or the British Samrajya in front of Gandhi or the communal empire of Firoze Tughlaq in the times of Kabir, they stood against that.
And what surprises me, and confirms my worst feelings, that today, the enlightened people who know the cosmic truth, none of them stand up against the powers that be. None of them raises his voice against the ruling classes and the privileged classes. Charity, yes, when it is approved and cleared by the establishment and the powers that be. But I want to know which was that guru which took the dalits to those temples which are still closed to them. I want to know which was that guru who stood for the rights of the Adivasis against the thekedaars and contractors. I want to know which was that guru who spoke about the victims of Gujarat and went to their relief camps. They are human beings too.
Sir, It is not enough to teach the rich how to breathe. It is the rich man's recreation. It is the hypocrites pretension. It is a mischievous deception. And you know that in the oxford dictionary, mischievous deception is a term that is used for a word, and that word is HOAX.
... and the response by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (of Art of Living)
It is funny that in a country like India spirituality is talked about as a hoax. How can something which is so obvious, which is part of millions of people, be taken as a hoax? Spirituality is not a halo of the few, it is the breath of every human being. Have people forgotten that freedom was achieved through spirituality as the prime means by Mahatma Gandhi?
It has become a fashion with journalists to blindly continue the colonial tradition of calling Hindu spiritual leaders a hoax. They called Mahatma Gandhi, Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo godmen and hoaxes, and their contemporaries continue to do so. Would they say this to Mother Teresa or the Dalai Lama? No! Only Indian spiritual leaders are singled out.
The India Today Conclave offered a basis for a discussion on spirituality, "Halo or Hoax?" Javed Akhtar joked, "In movies we create an illusion and then after three hours we put up a sign, The End, and make people step back into reality, whereas spiritual people also create an illusion but they do not put an end to it." The audience applauded. I smiled within and thought, yes, what this man says is correct, all that is created comes to an end. If something does not end then it is not created! Perhaps he didn't even realise the profound truth of what he was saying.
So in some way he tacitly accepted that the love and drama he creates in the movies does end, but the love and transformation created by spiritual people never end. Yes, this whole world is an illusion that never ends. I drew Adi Shankara from his sarcasm. What an enigma: the perception and the reality. So Mr Akhtar is actually saying that his reel love songs are false. If only he knew the reality: that his lyrics express the genuine feelings of thousands of youth when they come and sing his marvelous songs before me, with that spark of love in their eyes. Real-life love never ends; it moves from life to lifetimes.
Spirituality is intoxicating. Only those who step into it will know. Before criticising we need to do our homework. Has one visited ashrams, like the Ramakrishna Ashram, Ananda Mayi Ma Mutt, Brahma Kumaris', Gayatri Parivar, Pandurang Shastri, Sri Aurobindo Ashram or Art of Living? Has one spent time with saints? Only then does one's views carry weight, else they remain simple accusations only, a distorted perception, not reality.
Mr Akhtar thundered again: "All modern-day spiritualists are hypocrites". Many people froze as he dismissed the present-day gurus. Today there are millions of people who follow spirituality: are they all hypocrites? I appreciated that he could express his feelings boldly, without pretension. But the contempt that was exhibited for gurus was alarming. The hatred and frustration were obvious from his body language. It's not just Mr Akhtar. Many journalists, communists, atheists and naxalites live in that state of mind, of being anti-religious, anti-rich, anti-famous, anti-business.
Should I argue and put him down? No! I have never put anyone down. I can't deviate from my nature. So I simply said, everyone has the right to be ignorant.
A flash of Aurangzeb, who butchered thousands of gurus and would not listen to any reason or logic, came to mind. An intelligent man would look into all the avenues before he makes a comment or accusation. It is necessary to stand up for justice and expose the misdeeds of the world. Instead the so-called activists only engage in accusations. Blaming the entire modern-day spiritual guru and sadhu community is as foolish as branding the entire Muslim community as terrorists.
It is the medieval brahmanical mindset to always put down business and politics and the colonial mindset to denounce gurus. As a result we never expanded our political influence nor globalised our business until very recently.
Then came his next statement that Buddha went from the palace to the forest and today the gurus come from the forest to the palace. I said to myself, 'Come on! Buddha went to the forest when he was unhappy and miserable, and he came right back when he became a guru'. Any high school student knows this. Besides, every palace had a rajguru. Last year hundreds of sadhus were evicted from the caves and hermitages of the Himalayan region, near Haridwar, by the forest department. People generally think sadhus should live in forests with torn clothes but the forest department wanted to send them to the city!
The atheists have always fought with spiritual people. In those situations we should know how to act. It is pointless to argue with them. What do you say to a man who has never stepped into the realm of spirituality yet calls it a hoax? One cannot make a blind man see the light through his nose.
Unfortunately atheists are just fearful and good dramatists. A man who equates arms, drugs and spirituality is not going to change his opinion immediately and anyway his opinion is not going to matter for what is and what will be. Come on, I thought, sing a new song. My compassion grew.
Often activists seem to create rage and revenge in the victims; they cannot bring solace and creative action. In the name of justice they fume with hatred. This can lead to acts of violence like the recent killings of 19 sadhus in Uttar Pradesh. It has been an old tradition to glorify the dead, and call the living a hoax. Kabir had to put up with this as did Meera, Buddha, Jesus, Adi Shankara and many more. the wise do not mind the outburst of a few.
Spirituality is not a matter of the head, it is a matter of the heart. I had two choices: to argue and turn the conclave into a conflict or to keep silence. I chose the latter.
[Sri Sri Ravi Shankar]
Spirituality: Halo or Hoax?
Speech by JAVED AKHTAR at India Today Conclave
I am quite sure ladies and gentlemen, that in this august assembly nobody would envy my position at this moment. Speaking after such a charismatic and formidable personality like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is like coming out of the pavilion to play after Tendulkar has made a sparkling century. But in some weak moment I had committed myself.
There are certain things that I would like to make very clear at the very outset. Dont get carried away by my name Javed Akhtar. I am not revealing a secret, I am saying something that I have said many times, in writing or on TV, in public I am an atheist, I have no religious beliefs. And obviously I dont believe in spirituality of some kind. Some kind!
Another thing. I am not standing here to criticize, analyze, or attack this gentleman who is sitting here. We have a very pleasant, civilized relation. I have always found him to be an extremely courteous person.
One is talking about an idea, an attitude, a mindset. Not any individual. I must tell you that when Rajeev opened this session, for a moment I felt that I have come to the wrong place. Because, if we are discussing the philosophy of Krishan and Gautam and Kabir, Vivekanand, then I have nothing to say. I can sit down right now. I am not here to discuss a glorious past of which I suppose every Indian is proud, and rightly so. I am here to discuss a dubious present.
India Today has invited me and I have come here to talk of spirituality today. Let's not be confused by this word spirituality, you can find two people with the same name and they can be totally different people. Ram Charit Manas was written by Tulsidas. And the television film has been made by Ramanand Sagar. Ramayan is common but I dont think it would be very wise to club Tulsidas with Ramanand Sagar. I remember, when he had written Ramcharit Manas, he had faced a kind of a social boycott. How could he write a holy book in such a language like Avadhi? Sometimes I wonder fundamentalists of all hues and all colors, religions and community show how similar they are. In 1798, a gentleman called Shah Abdul Qadir, in this very city, for the first time translated Quran in Urdu, and all the ulemas of that time gave fatwa against him that how could he translate this holy book in such a heathen language.
When Tulsi wrote Ramcharit Manas and he was boycotted, I remember a chowpai that he had written.
*Dhut kaho abdhut kaho rajput kaho ki julawa kohu*
*Kohu ki beti se beta na biahab, kohu ki jaat bigaar na chahu*
*Mang ke khaibo, mehjid ma raihbo, lebe ka ek na debe ka dohu*
Ramanand Sagar, when he made his television serial, he made millions. I am not undermining him, but obviously he is much lower in the rung. I will give you another example. Perhaps it would be more direct and more appropriate. Gautam came out of a palace and went into wilderness to find the truth. But nowadays we see, the modern age gurus, come out of the wilderness and wind up in the palaces. They are moving in the opposite direction. We can't talk of them in the same breath. So let us not hide behind names which are dear and respectable for every Indian.
When I was invited to give this talk, I felt that yes, I am an atheist, try to be a rationalist in any given situation, Maybe that's why I have been called. But suddenly I have realized that there is another quality that I share with Modern Age gurus. I work in films. We have lot in common. Both of us, sell dreams, both of us create illusions, both of us create icons, but with a difference. After three hours we put a placard 'the end'. Go back to reality. They don't.
So ladies and gentlemen, let me make it very clear that I have come to talk of this spirituality that has a supermarket in the world. Arms, drugs and spirituality these are the three big businesses in the world. But in arms and drugs you really have to do something, give something. That's the difference. Here you don't have to give anything.
In this supermarket you get instant Nirvana, Moksha by mail, a crash course in self realization, cosmic consciousness in four easy lessons. This supermarket has its chain all over the world, where the restless elite buy spiritual fast food. I am talking about this spirituality.
Plato in his dialogues has said many a wise thing, and one of them is before starting any discussion decide on the meanings of words. Let us try to decide on the meaning of this word spirituality. Does it mean love for mankind that transcends all religion, caste, creed, race? Is that so? Then I have no problem. Except that I call it humanity. Does it mean love of plants, trees, mountains, oceans, rivers, animals? The non-human world? If that is so, again I have no problem at all. Except that I call it environmental consciousness. Does spirituality mean heartfelt regard for social institutions like marriage, parenthood, fine arts, judiciary, freedom of expression. I have no problem again sir, how can I disagree here? I call it civil responsibility. Does spirituality mean going into your own world trying to understand the meaning of your own life? Who can object on that? I call it self-introspection, self assessment. Does spirituality mean Yoga? Thanks to Patanjali, who has given us the details of Yoga, *Yam, Yatam, aasan, pranayam*We may do it under any name, but if we are doing pranayam, wonderful. I call it health-care. Physical fitness.
Now is it a matter of only semantics. If all this is spirituality, then what is the discussion. All these words that I have used are extremely respectable and totally acceptable words. There is nothing abstract or intangible about them. So why stick to this word spirituality? What is there in spirituality that has not been covered by all these words? Is there something? If that is so then what is that?
Somebody in return can ask me what is my problem with this word. I am asking to change it, leave it, drop it, make it obsolete but why so? I will tell you what is my reservation. If spirituality means all this then there is no discussion. But there is something else which makes me uneasy. In a dictionary, the meaning of spirituality is rooted in a word called spirit. When mankind didn't know whether this earth is round or flat, he had decided that human beings are actually the combination of two things. Body and spirit. Body is temporary, it dies. But the spirit is, shall I say, non-biodegradable. In your body you have a liver and heart and intestines and the brain, but since the brain is a part of the body, and mind lies within the brain, it is inferior because ultimately the brain too shall die with the body, but don't worry, you are not going to die, because you are your spirit, and the spirit has the supreme consciousness that will remain, and whatever problem you have is because you listen to your mind. Stop listening to your mind. Listen to your spirit - the supreme consciousness that knows the cosmic truth. All right. Its not surprising that in Pune there is an ashram and I used to go there. I loved the oratory. On the gate of the lecture hall there was a placard. Leave your shoes and minds here. There are other gurus who don't mind if you carry your shoes. But minds? Sorry!
Now, if you leave your mind what do you do? You need the Guru to find the next station of consciousness. That hides somewhere in the spirit. He has reached the supreme consciousness, he knows the supreme truth. But can he tell you. No sir, he cannot tell you. So can you find out on your own? No sir, you need the guru for that. You need him but he cannot guarantee that you will know the ultimate truth and what is that ultimate truth? What is the cosmic truth? Relating to cosmos? I have really not been able to understand that. The moment we step out of the solar system the first star is Alpha Centuari. It is just four light years away. How do I relate to that!! What do I do!!
So the emperor is wearing robes that only the wise can see. And the emperor is becoming bigger and bigger. And there are more and more wise people who are appreciating the robe.
I used to think that actually spirituality is the second line of defense for the religious people. When they get embarrassed about traditional religion, when it starts looking too down-market, they hide behind this smokescreen of cosmos and super consciousness. But that is not the complete truth. Because the clientele of traditional religion and spirituality is different. You take the map of the world, you start marking places which are extremely religious, within India or outside India, Asia, Latin America, Europe wherever. You will find that wherever there is lot of religion there is lack of human rights. There is repression. Anywhere. Our Marxist friends used to say that religion is the opium of poor masses, the sigh of the oppressed. I don't want to get into that discussion. But spirituality nowadays is definitely the tranquilizer of the rich.
You see that the clientele is well heeled, it is the affluent class. Alright, so the guru gets power, high self esteem, status, wealth (which is not that important), power and lot of wealth too. What does the disciple get? When I looked at them carefully I realized that there are categories and categories of these disciples. Its not a monolith. There are different kinds of followers. Different kinds of disciples. One, who is rich, successful, doing extremely well in his life, making money, gaining property. Now, since he has everything he wants absolution too. So guru tells him - whatever you are doing, is *niskaam karma *you are playing a role, this is all *Maya*, the money that you are making everyday and the property that you are acquiring, you are not emotionally involved with it. You are just playing a role. You come to me because you are in search of eternal truth. Maybe your hands are dirty, but your spirit and soul are pure. And this man, he starts feeling wonderful about himself. For seven days he is exploiting the world, and at the end of the seven days when he goes and sits at the feet of the guru, he feels I am a sensitive person
There is another category. That too comes from the affluent class. But he is not the winner like the first one. You know winning or losing that is also relative. A rickshaw-wallah if he is gambling on the pavement and wins hundred rupees will feel victorious, and if a corporate man makes only 300 million dollars, while his brother is a billionaire, he will feel like a failure. Now, what does this rich failure do? He needs a guru to tell him who says that you have failed? You have other worlds, you have another vision, you have other sensibility that your brother doesn't have. He thinks that he is successful, wrong. The world is very cruel, you know. The world tells you honestly, no sir, you have got three out of ten. The other person has seven out of ten. Fair. They will treat you that way and they will meet you that way. There he gets compassion. There he plays another game.
Another category. And I will talk about this category not with contempt or with any sense of superiority, not any bitterness, but all the compassion available one that is a very big client of this modern day guru and today's spirituality, is the unhappy rich wife. Here is a person who put all her individuality, aspirations and dreams, and her being at the altar of marriage and in return she got an indifferent husband. Who at the most gave her a couple of children. Who is rather busy with his work, or busy with other women. This woman needs a shoulder. She knows that she is an existential failure. There is nothing to look forward to. She has a vacuous, empty, comfortable yet purposeless life. It's sad, but it is true.
Then there are other people. Who are suddenly traumatized. They lose a child. The wife dies. The husband dies. Or they lose the property, they lose their business. Something happens that shocks them and they ask why me? So who do they ask? They go to the Guru. And the guru tells him that this is Karma. But there is another world if you follow me. Where there is no pain. Where there is no death. Where there is immortality. Where there is only bliss. He tells all these unhappy souls follow me and I will take you to heaven, to paradise, where there is no pain. I am sorry sir, it is disappointing but true that there is no such paradise. Life will always have a certain quota of pain, of hurts, a possibility of defeats. But they do get some satisfaction.
Somebody may ask me if they are feeling better, if they are getting peace then what is your problem. It reminds me of a story that I have read. It's an old Indian story told by a sage, that a hungry dog finds a dry bone and tries to eat it and in the process bites its own tongue. And the tongue is bleeding and the dog feels that he is getting nourishment from the bone. I feel sad. I don't want them, these adults, to behave like this because I respect them. Drugs and alcohol are also supposed to give mental peace and serenity, but is that kind of piece or serenity desirable or advisable?
The answer is no. Any mental peace that is not anchored in rational thoughts is nothing but self-deception. Any serenity that takes you away from truth is just an illusion, a mirage. I know that there is a kind of a security in this which is like the security of a tri-cycle. If you are riding a tri-cycle you can't fall. But adults do not ride tricycles. They ride bi-cycles. They can even fall. It is a part of life.
There is one more kind. Like everybody who is the member of the golf club is not fond of golf. In the same way everybody who is seen in an ashram is not a spiritual person. A film producer who is an ardent follower of a guru, whose ashram is about two hours from Delhi once told me that you must go to my Guru. You will see the who's who of Delhi there. Let me tell you my Guruji is another Chandraswami in the making. Now this is a contact point for networking. I have great respect for people who are spiritual, or religious, and in spite of this they are good people. And I have a reason. I believe that like every emotion or feeling, you have a limitation.
You can see up to a point. And you can't see further. You can hear up to a point, but beyond that you won't be able to register sounds. You can mourn up to a point and then you will get over your mourning. You will feel happy up-to a point and then you will be through with your happiness. Same way, I am sure that you have a certain capacity for nobility also. You can be as noble and no more. Now suppose if we count this capacity for nobility in the average man as ten units, now anybody who goes to pray in a mosque five times is consuming his five units, there anybody who goes to the temple or sits in the feet of the Guru, he is consuming his quota of nobility there. And in a totally non-productive manner. I don't go to pray. I don't pray. If I don't go to any guru, or mosque or temple or church, what do I do with my quota of nobility. I will have to help somebody, feed somebody, give shelter to somebody. People who use their quota in worshipping, praying, adoring religious figures and spiritual figures, in spite of that, if they are left with some nobility, hats off to them.
You may ask me, that if I have this kind of ideas about religious people, why should I show such reverence for Krishan and Kabir and Gautam? You can ask me. I'll tell you why I respect them. These were the great contributors in the human civilization. They were born in different points of time in history, in different situations. But one thing is common in them. They stood up against injustice. They fought for the downtrodden. Whether it was Ravana, or Kansha or the pharaoh or the high priests or the British Samrajya in front of Gandhi or the communal empire of Firoze Tughlaq in the times of Kabir, they stood against that.
And what surprises me, and confirms my worst feelings, that today, the enlightened people who know the cosmic truth, none of them stand up against the powers that be. None of them raises his voice against the ruling classes and the privileged classes. Charity, yes, when it is approved and cleared by the establishment and the powers that be. But I want to know which was that guru which took the dalits to those temples which are still closed to them. I want to know which was that guru who stood for the rights of the Adivasis against the thekedaars and contractors. I want to know which was that guru who spoke about the victims of Gujarat and went to their relief camps. They are human beings too.
Sir, It is not enough to teach the rich how to breathe. It is the rich man's recreation. It is the hypocrites pretension. It is a mischievous deception. And you know that in the oxford dictionary, mischievous deception is a term that is used for a word, and that word is HOAX.
... and the response by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (of Art of Living)
It is funny that in a country like India spirituality is talked about as a hoax. How can something which is so obvious, which is part of millions of people, be taken as a hoax? Spirituality is not a halo of the few, it is the breath of every human being. Have people forgotten that freedom was achieved through spirituality as the prime means by Mahatma Gandhi?
It has become a fashion with journalists to blindly continue the colonial tradition of calling Hindu spiritual leaders a hoax. They called Mahatma Gandhi, Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo godmen and hoaxes, and their contemporaries continue to do so. Would they say this to Mother Teresa or the Dalai Lama? No! Only Indian spiritual leaders are singled out.
The India Today Conclave offered a basis for a discussion on spirituality, "Halo or Hoax?" Javed Akhtar joked, "In movies we create an illusion and then after three hours we put up a sign, The End, and make people step back into reality, whereas spiritual people also create an illusion but they do not put an end to it." The audience applauded. I smiled within and thought, yes, what this man says is correct, all that is created comes to an end. If something does not end then it is not created! Perhaps he didn't even realise the profound truth of what he was saying.
So in some way he tacitly accepted that the love and drama he creates in the movies does end, but the love and transformation created by spiritual people never end. Yes, this whole world is an illusion that never ends. I drew Adi Shankara from his sarcasm. What an enigma: the perception and the reality. So Mr Akhtar is actually saying that his reel love songs are false. If only he knew the reality: that his lyrics express the genuine feelings of thousands of youth when they come and sing his marvelous songs before me, with that spark of love in their eyes. Real-life love never ends; it moves from life to lifetimes.
Spirituality is intoxicating. Only those who step into it will know. Before criticising we need to do our homework. Has one visited ashrams, like the Ramakrishna Ashram, Ananda Mayi Ma Mutt, Brahma Kumaris', Gayatri Parivar, Pandurang Shastri, Sri Aurobindo Ashram or Art of Living? Has one spent time with saints? Only then does one's views carry weight, else they remain simple accusations only, a distorted perception, not reality.
Mr Akhtar thundered again: "All modern-day spiritualists are hypocrites". Many people froze as he dismissed the present-day gurus. Today there are millions of people who follow spirituality: are they all hypocrites? I appreciated that he could express his feelings boldly, without pretension. But the contempt that was exhibited for gurus was alarming. The hatred and frustration were obvious from his body language. It's not just Mr Akhtar. Many journalists, communists, atheists and naxalites live in that state of mind, of being anti-religious, anti-rich, anti-famous, anti-business.
Should I argue and put him down? No! I have never put anyone down. I can't deviate from my nature. So I simply said, everyone has the right to be ignorant.
A flash of Aurangzeb, who butchered thousands of gurus and would not listen to any reason or logic, came to mind. An intelligent man would look into all the avenues before he makes a comment or accusation. It is necessary to stand up for justice and expose the misdeeds of the world. Instead the so-called activists only engage in accusations. Blaming the entire modern-day spiritual guru and sadhu community is as foolish as branding the entire Muslim community as terrorists.
It is the medieval brahmanical mindset to always put down business and politics and the colonial mindset to denounce gurus. As a result we never expanded our political influence nor globalised our business until very recently.
Then came his next statement that Buddha went from the palace to the forest and today the gurus come from the forest to the palace. I said to myself, 'Come on! Buddha went to the forest when he was unhappy and miserable, and he came right back when he became a guru'. Any high school student knows this. Besides, every palace had a rajguru. Last year hundreds of sadhus were evicted from the caves and hermitages of the Himalayan region, near Haridwar, by the forest department. People generally think sadhus should live in forests with torn clothes but the forest department wanted to send them to the city!
The atheists have always fought with spiritual people. In those situations we should know how to act. It is pointless to argue with them. What do you say to a man who has never stepped into the realm of spirituality yet calls it a hoax? One cannot make a blind man see the light through his nose.
Unfortunately atheists are just fearful and good dramatists. A man who equates arms, drugs and spirituality is not going to change his opinion immediately and anyway his opinion is not going to matter for what is and what will be. Come on, I thought, sing a new song. My compassion grew.
Often activists seem to create rage and revenge in the victims; they cannot bring solace and creative action. In the name of justice they fume with hatred. This can lead to acts of violence like the recent killings of 19 sadhus in Uttar Pradesh. It has been an old tradition to glorify the dead, and call the living a hoax. Kabir had to put up with this as did Meera, Buddha, Jesus, Adi Shankara and many more. the wise do not mind the outburst of a few.
Spirituality is not a matter of the head, it is a matter of the heart. I had two choices: to argue and turn the conclave into a conflict or to keep silence. I chose the latter.
[Sri Sri Ravi Shankar]
Forward this to all the guys for a good laugh, and to all the ladies who have a good sense of humor... :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
Did you know this? A fun fact about letters 'a', 'b', 'c' & 'd'
Did you know this...???
Fun facts about letters 'a', 'b', 'c' & 'd'
Letters 'a', 'b', 'c' & 'd' do not appear anywhere in the spellings of 1 to 99
Letter 'd' comes for the first time in Hundred
Letters 'a', 'b' & 'c' do not appear anywhere in the spellings of 1 to 999
Letter 'a' comes for the first time in Thousand
Letters 'b' & 'c' do not appear anywhere in the spellings of 1 to 999,999,999
Letter 'b' comes for the first time in Billion
Letter 'c' does not appear anywhere in in the spellings of entire English Counting!!!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
ते पत्र आल्यापासून श्रीनिवासच्या मनाची शांतता पार ढळली होती. गीता गेल्यापासून तो आधी अस्वस्थ होताच. आपल्याला दुःख झाले आहे, की नुसताच मनाला बधिर करून टाकणारा आघात आपल्यावर झाला आहे हे त्याला कळत नव्हते. गीताच्या निधनाने तो हादरला होता. जीवनात एक पोकळी निर्माण झाल्यासारखे त्याला वाटत होते. आज जवळ जवळ वीस वर्षे त्याने आणि गीताने एकत्र काढली होती. जनरुढीच्या विरुद्ध जाऊन ती दोघे एकत्र राहात होती. लग्नाशिवाय. पण नाते लग्नाचे असो की बिनलग्नाचे, तो संसारच होता. संसाराचे सारे बरेवाईट संदर्भ, जबाबदाऱ्या, अडचणी तिथेही होत्याच. तीच गीता अवचित घर सोडून गेल्यावर श्रीनिवासचे घर रिते होणे स्वाभाविकच होते. घर रिते झाले होते, पण मन रिते झाले होते का? श्रीनिवासला ते अजून नीटसे उमगले नव्हते. मन रिते व्हायला आधी ते भरावे लागते. गीताने त्याचे मन तसे व्यापून टाकले होते का? या प्रश्नाचे उत्तर स्वतः श्रीनिवासही देऊ शकत नव्हता. गीता त्याची इतक्या वर्षांची सहचारिणी होती; ती गेल्यावर तिच्याविषयी कोणताही अनुदार विचार मनात आणणे क्रुतघ्नपणाचे होईल असे त्याला वाटत होते. आणि तरीही तसेच विचार त्यच्या मनात येत होते. याच सुमाराला ते पत्र श्रीनिवासला आले होते आणि त्या पत्राने त्याचे मनःस्वास्थ्य नाहीसे करून टाकले होते.
एव्हाना श्रीनिवासला ते पत्र तोंडपाठ होऊन गेले होते. पत्रातला मजकूर मोजका आणि मुद्देसूद होता. पत्रातल्या ओळी श्रीनिवासला लखलखून आठवत होत्या ’...माझे पत्र तुम्हाला ढोंगीपणाचे वाटेल. असभ्यपणाचे वाटेल. तरीही गीताच्या निधनाची वार्ता कळल्यापासून तुम्हाला भेटायला यावेवे फार वाटत आहे. तुमहा माझा परिचय कधीच झाला नाही. तसा कधी योगही आला नाही. मी आणि गीता विभक्त झाल्यावर मग तुम्ही तिच्या जीवनात आलात. माझा तुमच्यावर मुळीच राग नाही. उलट गीताच्या जीवनाचे तारू कुठल्या कुठे भडकले असते, तिला तुमचा आधार लाभला याबद्दल मला बरेच वाटत होते. हे मी मनापासून लिहीत आहे. आज माझ्या मनात गीताबद्दलही रोष नाही. मी माझ्या साध्या सरळ संसारात सुखी आहे...तुम्हाला भेटावेसे मात्र फार फार वाटते...मी तुमच्या भेटीला येऊ का? तुम्ही नकार दिला तरीही मला नवल वाटणार नाही. तुमचा होकार कळला, तर मात्र फार समाधान वाटेल येवढेच सांगतो...अनुकूल उत्तराची वाट बघत आहे. आपला, वामन वालावरकर.’
पत्र आले आणि श्रीनिवास चक्राऊन गेला. वामन वालावरकर. ते नावही आता त्याच्या स्मरणातून पुसून गेले होते. गीताने कधी तरी आपल्या या पहिल्या पतीचे नाव त्याला सांगितलेले असणारच. पण तो ते खरेच विसरून गेला होता. आता ते नाव पत्रात वाचताना त्याला विचित्र वाटले. किती गद्य, व्यवहारी नाव वाटत होते ते. एखाद्या कापडाच्या, नाहीतर किराणा मालाच्या दुकानदाराचे नाव असावे तसे ते नाव होते. गीता आपल्या ह्या पतीबद्दल क्वचितच काही बोले. कसा असेल हा माणूस? त्याचे रंगरुप, त्याचा स्वभाव त्याची जीवनसरणी कशी असेल? आज त्याची मनःस्थिती काय असेल? गीताच्या निधनाच्या वार्तेने तो दुखीः झाला असेल का? गीताबद्दलच्या त्याच्या भावना तरी काय होत्या?
एकाएकी या वामन वालावरकरला भेटण्याची विलक्षण उत्सुकता श्रीनिवासला वाटू लागली? तसे अपराधी वाटन्यासारखे श्रेनिवासने कुठे काय केले होते? गीता आपल्या वैवाहीक जीवनात रमून गेली असताना श्रीनिवासने जर तिला आपल्या मोहात गुंतवले असते, तर त्याला अपराध्यागत वाटण्याचा संभव होता. पण तसे काहीच त्याने केले नव्हते. गीता आणि तो एकत्र आली तेव्हा, या पहिल्या नात्याचे सारे बंध तिच्या लेखी तुटूनच गेले होते. त्या धगधगत्या अंगाराची नुसती राखसुद्धा तिच्या मनात उरली नव्हती. मग आता या वामन वालावरकरला भेटायला काय हरकत होती? वालावरकराने जे लिहीले ते मनापासून लिहीले होते. अगदी प्रामाणिकपणे सौजन्यपूर्ण रीतीने तो श्रीनिवासला भेटू इच्छित होता. त्याला कदाचित श्रीनिवासचे सांत्वन करावयाचे असेल, कदाचित गीताबद्दल बोलण्याची त्याला अनावर इच्छा झाली असेल. कदाचित...कदाचित...
श्रीनिवासला पुढे विचारच करता येईना. एकदा त्याला वाटले, या अनोळखी परक्या माणसाला सरळ नकार द्यावा. गीता गेली. सारे संपले. आता तिच्या पहिल्या पतीला इतक्या वर्षांनंतर भेटण्यात अर्थ तरी काय होता? आणि या भेटीतून निष्पन्न तरी काय होणार होते? तरीही वामन वालावरकरच्या पत्रातून ओसंडणारी मनाची सरलता, रुजुता त्याला कुठे तरी आतून खरेपणाने जाणवत होती. एकाएकी त्याने आपल्या मनाशी निर्णय घेऊन टाकला आणि आपली चलबिचल, संशय वाढण्याच्या आतच त्याने वालावरकरला आपल्या भेटीला यावयाची संमती दिली. संमतीचे पत्र धाडले आणि श्रीनिवास एकदम निश्चिंत झाला. त्याची चलबिचल संपली आणि वालावरकराच्या भेटीची तो शांत मनाने वाट बघु लागला.
भेटीचा दिवस ठरला. श्रीनिवास एका बड्या, श्रीमंती थाटाच्या फर्ममध्ये भारी पगारावर नोकरी करीत होता. भेटीचा दिवस ठरला, तेव्हा त्याने त्या दिवसापुरती रजा घेतली. नोकरालाअ आवश्यक त्या सूचना देऊन ठेवल्या. वालावरकरला जेवायला बोलवावे असेही त्याला वाटले. पण नाही म्हटले तरी, वालावरकर हा सांत्वनाच्या भूमिकेवरून भेटायला येणार होता. अशा वेळी जेवायची सूचना त्याला करणे फारच वाईट दिसले असते. श्रीनिवासने कॊफी, बिस्किटे आणि फळे एवढाच बेत ठरवला. वालावरकराच्या भेटीच्या कल्पनेने तो अस्वस्थ झाला होता. खरे म्हणजे श्रीनिवास बुद्धीमान होता. चतुर होता. व्यवसायाच्या निमित्ताने तो देशभर हिंडला होता. एतकेच नाही तर, परदेशातही एकदा-दोनदा जाऊन आला होता. वालावरकरचा व्यवसाय काय होता याची त्याला कल्पना नव्हती. पण श्रीनिवासच्या तुलनेने तो खूपच सामान्य परिस्थितीत दिवस कंठीत असला पाहीजे याबद्दल श्रीनिवासला शंका नव्हती. त्याच्या भेटीच्या कल्पनेने गोंधळण्याचे, अस्वस्थ होण्याचे श्रीनिवासला कारण नव्हती. तरीही या भेटीच्या बाबतीत त्याला विचित्र वाटत होते एवढे मात्र खरे. व्यवसायाच्या निमित्ताने कितीतरी परक्या, अनोळखी माणसांना भेटण्याचा श्रीनिवासवर अनेकदा प्रसंग येई. पण वालावरकरची भेट ही तशा प्रकारच्या भेटींत बसणारी नव्हती. तो अनोळखी होता. तरीही ओळखीचा होता. म्हटले तर त्याच्याशी कसलेही नाते नव्हते. आणि म्हटले तर एका विलक्षण, अनाकलनीय नात्याने ते दोघेजण जोडलेले होते. जग सोडून गेलेल्या गीतापासून या नात्याचा उगम होता. आणि त्या एका स्त्रीच्या नात्यानं परस्परांशी निगडीत झालेले हे दोन पुरूष तिच्या म्रुत्युनंतर आता अचानक एकमेकांना भेटणार होते.
भेटीचा दिवस ठरलेला होताच. त्या दिवशी संध्याकाळी बरोबर सहाच्या ठोक्याला दारावरची बेल वाजली. श्रीनिवासने गड्याला बाहेर पाठवून दिले होते. या भेटीच्या वेळी तिसरे कुणीही जवळ असू नये असे त्याला - का कोण जाणे - मनातून वाटत होते. बेल वाजताच त्याने जऊन स्वतः दार उघडले. दाराबाहेर एक मध्यमवयीन, प्रौढतेकडे झुकणारा, चेहेऱ्यावर अवघडलेपण धारण केलेला पुरूष होता. श्रीनिवासने त्याला पाहून ओळखीचे हास्य केले आणि दार पुरते उघडीत, स्वतः बाजूला होऊन तो त्याला म्हणाला,
’या, आत या ना.’
वालावरकर आत आला. तरिही संकोचाने तो काही वेळ उभाच राहिला. अस्वस्थ नजरेनं श्रीनिवास सुसज्ज, सुंदर दिवाणखान्याकडे पाहू लागला. अशा ठिकाणी जाण्याचा त्याला फार क्वचित प्रसंग येत असावा, हे त्याच्या एकूण हालचालींवरून, आविर्भावांवरून सहजच ध्यानी येत होते. श्रीनिवासचे मन करुणतेने, सहानभुतीने भरुन गेले. त्याने त्याला हाताशी धरून कोचावर आणून बसवले आणि सौम्य हसून तो त्याला म्हणाला,
’बसा असे आरामशीर. घर ंइलायला त्रास नाही ना पडला फारसा?’
’छे!’ वालावरकरही जरासा हसला ’तुम्ही पत्त व्यवस्थित कळवला होता. शिवाय फोनवरून आधी बोलणही झालं होतं. त्यामुळे तशी काही अडचण जाणवली नाही.’ तो म्हणाला.
’मग ठीक आहे.’ श्रीनिवास बोलला.
पुनः काही वेळ दिवाणखान्यात विचित्र शांतता पसरली. त्या शांततेचे दडपण त्या दोघांही पुरुषांच्या मनावर आल्या सारखे झाले. पण त्या निःशब्द वातावरणात दोघेही एकमेकांना प्रथमच नीट न्याआळून बघत होते. स्वतःशी दुसऱ्याचा वेध घेत होते. त्याच्याविषयी मनातल्या मनात अंदाज बांधत होते.
श्रीनिवासने वालावलकरह्च्या ध्यानी येणार नाही अशा पद्धतीने, पण सराईतपणे त्याच्याकडे बघून घेतले. दहा माणसांत सहज विसरायला होईल इतका साधा, सामान्य , व्यक्तीत्वहीन चेहरा. डोक्याला पडू लागलेले टक्कल आणि कानशीलांवरून मागे हटत चाललेले करडे केस. थकलेले श्रांत डोळे. चेहऱ्यावर ओढग्रस्त जीवनाने ठळक ओढलेल्या रेषा. वालावरकरच्या साऱ्या मुद्रेत आकर्षक होते ते त्याचे हसू. त्या हसण्यात एक निर्मळ स्वाभाविकता होती. दुसऱ्याच्या मनात स्वतःबद्दल जवळीक, विश्वास निर्माण करण्याची शक्ती होती.
एकीकडे श्रीनिवास वालावलकरचे असे निरीक्षण करीत असता, वालावरकरही श्रीनिवासला जाणवणार नाही अशा बेताने त्याच्या मुद्रेचा, व्यक्तित्वाचा वेध घेत होताच. श्रीनिवासचे व्यक्तीमत्व आक्रमक, प्रभावी होते. चेहेरा देखणा नसला तरी, प्रथमदर्शनी दुसऱ्यावर ठसा उमटवणारा होता. हालचालीत यशस्वी धंदेवाल्या माणसाचा ठाम आत्मविश्वास होता. आणि या साऱ्यांतून पुनः एक हळवे, संवेदनशील असे मन डोकावत होते. वालावरकरला वाटले, गीतासारख्या मनस्वी स्त्रीला आपण पुरे पडलो नसतो. तिने श्रीनिवासला आपला जीवनसहचर बनवले हेच योग्य आहे. साऱ्या घटनेत त्याला एक न्याय वाटला. सुसंगती जाणवली. गीताबद्दल आता त्याच्या मनात काहीच अढी उरली नव्हती. श्रीनिवासबद्दल मनाच्या तळाशी चुकुन कुठे काही कडवट भाव रेंगाळत असेल तर, तोही श्रीनिवासला प्रत्यक्ष बघताना पार ओसरुन गेला. थोडक्यात सांगायचे तर, श्रीनिवासविषयी त्याचे फारच अनुकूल मत झाले.
दिवाणखान्यातली शांतता आता असह्य होऊ लागली दोघांनाही एकमेकांशी बोलावेसे वाटले. पण सुरुवात कुणी करायची, कशी करायची हा प्रश्नच होता. शेवटी वालावरकरच म्हणाला,
’गीताला काय झालं होतं?’ प्रश्न विचारताच आपण फार औपचारीक प्रारंभ केला आहे असे त्याला जाणवले. पण यापेक्षा वेगळे काय बोलावे, कसे बोलावे ते त्यालाही कळेना.
’तसं नीट काही कळलंच नाही अखेरपर्यंत.’ श्रीनिवास सांगू लागला, ’गेली २ वर्षं तिच्या तब्येतीच्या बारीकसारीक तक्रारी चालूच होत्या. मग तिला अन्नच जाईनासं झाल, वजन उतरलं. खंगत गेली ती आणि शेवटी पंधरावीस दिवसांच्या तापाचं नुसतं निमित्त झालं...गेली. काहीशी अचानकच गेली म्हटलं तरी चालेल.’
श्रीनिवासलाही बोलताना विचित्र वाटत होते. वीस वर्षे आपल्याशी संसार केलेल्या गीताबद्दल बोलताना अगदी त्रयस्थ, अपरिचित व्यक्तीबद्दल बोलावे तशा कोरडेपणाने, वस्तुनिष्ठ द्रुष्टीकोनातून आपण बोलत आहोत असे त्याला वाटले. पण जो जिव्हाळा पोटातूनच जाणवत नव्हता तो ओंठात कसा आणायचा हेच त्याला कळेना. कदचित वालावरकरसमोर याहून अधीक भावनावश होण्याचा त्याला खोल कुठे तरी संकोचही वाटत असावा. काही असो. एकूण बोलणे फारच वरवरच्या पातळीवर, उथळपणे चालले आहे असे त्याला वाटले. आणि तरीही याहून वेगळे कसे बोलावे हे त्याला उमगत नव्हते.
’मी गीताला बरीच वर्षं बघितलीच नाही.’ वालावरकर बोलू लागला. ’एकदा आमच्या मुलींच्या शाळेत कसलंसं भाषण द्यायला आली होती ती. माझ्या मुलींपासून तिचं-माझं नातं मी अन माझ्या बायकोनंही लपवून ठेवलंय कटाक्षानं. पण मुलींना ती आवडली असावी. तिच्याबद्दल बरेच चांगलं बोलत होत्या त्या.’
वालावलकर क्षणभर थबकला. म्ग पुनः जरा अवघडून तो म्हणाला, ’तशी कुठल्या तरी एका महिला मंडळात, माझ्या पत्नीची अन तिचीही भेट झाली होती. त्यावेळी तिनं आवर्जून माझ्या घरची, माझी, मुलांची चौकशी केली होती. आम्ही दोघं भांडून वेगळे झालो, त्यावेळी दोघांचीही मने एकमेकांबद्दल कडवट होती. असावीत...आता इतकं जुनं काही आठवतदेखील नाही. पण निदान नंतर तरी गीताच्या मनात वैषम्य राहिलं नसावं माझ्याविषयी. माझ्या मनातही फारसा वाकुडपणा नसावा. आता तर ते सारच फार पुसून गेलय. म्हणूनच तुम्हाला भेटताना अगदी निःशंक, निर्मळ मनानं मी आलो आहे. खरंच सांगतो, तुम्ही भेटायचं कबूल केलंत हा मोठेपणा आहे तुमच्या मनाचा. दुसऱ्या एखाद्यानं सरळ ’नाही’ म्हटलं असत. खरं तर, आपला संबंध तरी काय? तुमचे मी खरेच आभार मानले पाहिजेत.’
श्रीनिवासला फार अवघडल्यागत झाले. तो चटकन म्हणाला, ’अहो भलतंच काय? आभाराची कसली भाषा बोलता? आभारच मानायचे झाले तर, मी ते तुमचे मानायला हवेत. तुम्ही आवर्जून माझ्या दुःखात मला भेटायला आलात. काही नातं मनानं मानलंत, गीताचे आठवण ठेवलीत, तुमचाच मोठेपणा आहे हा.’
’मोठेपणाची गोष्ट सोडा हो’ वालावरकर म्हणाला, ’खरं सांगू का? गीता गेली आणि वाटलं, आत्ताच तुम्हाला भेटायला हवं. एकमेकांची काही खरी ओळख पटली तर ती आत्ताच पटेल. ती ओळख पटवून घ्यायची उत्कट इच्छा झाली येवढं मात्र सांगतो. कारण ते अगदी खरं आहे.’
-संभाषण गती घेत होते. स्वतःच्याही नकळत, ते दोघे अनोळखी पुरुश एकमेकांच्या जवळ येऊ लागले होते. परस्परांच्या अंतरंगाचा ठाव घेत होते. काही दुवे जुळत होते. श्रीनिवासला अचानक आठवण झाली. आल्यापासून या पाहुण्याला आपण चहापाणी विचारले नाही. तो म्हणाला,
’तुम्ही कॊफी घ्याल ना?’
बोलता बोलता त्याला शंका आली, या माणसाने आपल्याकडे काहीच घ्यायला नकार दिला तर? गीताच्या निधनाच्या निमित्ताने तो घरी आला होता हे एक कारण होतेच. पण कदचित त्याहूनही एखाद्या वेगळ्या अंतःप्रेरणेने, काही अनामिक गूढ जाणिवेने त्याला आपल्या घरी काही खावे-प्यावेसे वाटणार नाही. तसे झाले तर? आपल्याला राग येईल? वाईट वाटेल? समाधान वाटेल?
पण हे सारे विचार श्रीनिवासच्या मनात आले असतील तोच, वालावलकर हसून म्हणाला,
’खरं तर, आज मी कॊफी वगैरे घ्यायला नकार द्यायला हवा. पण ऒफीसातून सरळ इकडंच आलोय मी. कॊफीची फार गरज आहे बुवा. खायला देखील चालेल सोबत काहीतरी.’
श्रीनिवासच्या मनावरचे दडपण एकदम दूर झाले. वालावलकरच्या सरळ, मुग्धपणाने त्याचा ठावच घेतला. तो भरकन स्वैंपाकघरात गेला आणि कॊफी तयार करून घेऊन बाहेर घेऊन आला. बरोबर बिस्किटे होती, फळे होती. इतकेच नव्हे तर, घरातल्या डब्यांतून मिळालेले आणखी काही खाण्याचे पदार्थंही त्याने बशा भरून आणले होते. टीपॊयवर ते सारे पदार्थ ठेवीत तो मनःपूर्वक म्हणाला,
’या वालावलकरसाहेब, मलाही भूक लागली आहे. अगदी संकोच न करता घ्या बघू सारं काही’
वालावलकरने एक-दोन पदार्थ तोंडात टाकले आणि गरम कॊफीचा घोट घेऊन त्याने समाधानाचा, त्रुप्तीचा निःश्वास सोडला. मग अचानक त्याने श्रीनिवासकडे सरळ रोखून पाहिले आणि तो म्हणाला,
’एक विचित्र प्रश्न विचारु?’
श्रीनिवास दचकला. कॊफीचा कप दूर करून प्रश्नार्थक नजरेने तो वालावलकरकडे बघत राहिला.
’माफ करा, खासगी प्रश्न विचारतो आहे. पण गीता आणि तुम्ही सुखात होता का? विशेषतः गीता सुखी झाली का?’
श्रीनिवासला वालावरकरच्या प्रश्नाचा राग आला. पण रागावता रागावताच तो एकदम अंतर्मूख झाला. वालावलकरच्या प्रश्नात, आपणाला अपमानकारक असे काही नाही, हे कसे कोण जाणे-त्याच्या ध्यानात आले. त्याने भुवया आकुंचित केल्या. काहीसे आठवण्याचा प्रयत्न केला आणि तो म्हणाला,
’गीता सुखी होती की नाही सांगणं अवघड आहे. तशी ती समाधानी दिसायची. पण, खरं सांगू? तशी गीता मला फारशी कधी समजलीच नाही. थांग नाही लागला तिचा मला कधी.’
’एकूण, गीता कधी बदललीच नाही म्हणायची’ वालावलकर स्वतःशीच पुटपुटावे तसा बोलला.
’म्हणजे काय? ती बदलली नाही असं कोणत्या अर्थानं म्हणता तुम्ही?’ श्रीनिवासने कुतूहलाने विचारले.
’तुम्ही विचारताच आहात तर सांगतो सारं काही’ वालावलकर म्हणाला. त्याने भुवया आकुंचित केल्या. जुने काही आठवण्याचा तो प्रयत्न करीत असावा.
क्षणभराने कपाळावरुन हात चोळीत तो म्हणाला,
’कसं सांगू? सांगणं अवघड आहे मोठं. गीताचं नि माझं लग्न झालं ते घरच्या माणसांच्या संमतीनं. तेव्हा ती लहान होती. मीही पोरसवदा होतो. भातुकलीचा खेळ असावा, तसा संसार होता आमचा. आम्ही घर मांडलं. मला पैसे कमी मिळत. गीता नीटशी कधी उमलली नाही. फुलली नाही. ती अस्वस्थ दिसे. तिला सतत काही तरी निराळेच हवे असायचे. काय ते मला कळलं नाही. तिलाही कळलं नाही, ती शिकू लागली. बी.ए. झाली. आमचा पैसा वाढला. एक मूल झालं. गेलं. पुढे पुढे आमचं बोलणंच संपलं. तसं भांडण नव्हतं, तंटा नव्हता, काही नव्हतं. मला वाट्तं, ती एकूण माझ्या घरालाच कंटाळली. एक दिवस सरळ माहेरी निघून गेली. मीही भांडणतंटा केला नाही. तिला मोकळीक हवी होती. ती मी तिला दिली. मी माझ्या वेगळ्या मार्गाला लागलो. संपलं!’
वालावरकर बोलायचा थांबला. किती निर्विकारपणे बोलत होता तो. पण त्यातून श्रीनिवासला गीताची एक नवी ओळख पटत गेली. कशी होती गीता? खरे म्हणजे, त्यालाही ते नीटसे उमगले नव्हते. गीताने पुढे शाळेत नोकरी धरली होती. कुठल्याशा एका लग्नसमारंभात त्याची व गीताची ओळख झाली. प्रथमदर्शनी ती त्याला आवडली. मग भेटी, फिरणे, चारदोन सिनेमे. त्याने तिला मागणी घातली. तिने आपला पूर्वव्रुत्तांत त्याला सांगितला होता. काहीच लपवून ठेवले नव्हते. गीताचे पूर्वी एक लग्न झाले होती यात श्रीनिवासला काही आक्षेपार्ह वाटले नाही. त्याने तिच्याशी लग्न केले. आपल्या व्यवसायात तो वर वर चढत गेला. घरात पैसा आला. अनेक सुखसोयी आल्या. संसार झाला. पण-संसार झाला इतकेच. यापेक्षा जास्त त्याला गीता खरोखरच उमगली नव्हती...
- दिवाणखान्यातल्या शांततेची आता कुठे त्याला जाणीव झाली. वालावरकरचे बोलून संपले होते. आता श्रीनिवासने काही बोलावे असे त्याला वाटत असणार. त्याच अपेक्षेने तो श्रीनिवासकडे बघत होता. पण काय बोलावे ते श्रीनिवासला उमगत नव्हते. तो हताशपणे किंचित हसला आणि वालावरकरला म्हणाला,
’तुमचा हेवा वाटतो मला. किती थोडक्यात तुम्ही तुमच्या संसाराचा आढावा घेतला. पण मला तसं काहीच सांगता येत नाही. येवढंच सांगतो की, मलाही गीता कधी कळली नाही. ती तशी हसे-खेळे. आनंदानं वागे. निदान आनंदात असल्यासारखी दिसे. पण आम्हा दोघांत अलिप्ततेचा एक पडदा कायम राहिला. गीताला मूल हवं होतं का? तेही मला कळलं नाही, तशी तिनं कधी असोशीही दाखवली नाही. ती त्रुप्तही नव्हती. तिनं जीव टाकून कधी माझ्यावर प्रेमही केलं नाही. तिनं माझ्याकडे कधी काही मागितलंही नाही. जीव भरून मला कधी काही दिलंही नाही. आता ती गेली. सारं संपलं. घर रितं झालं पण मन रितं झालं का? कळत नाही मला. कारण गीतानं माझं मन कधी भरूनही टाकलं नाही. या प्रकाराचा उलगडाच होत नाही मला. माफ करा. मी फार बोलतो आहे. कदाचित अप्रस्तुतही बोलत असेन. पण मला वाटतं, मी जे बोलतो आहे त्याचा अर्थं तुम्हीच जाणू शकाल.’
वालावरकर क्षणभर स्तब्ध राहीला. मग तो म्हणाला, ’मला वाटतं, गीता स्वयंपूर्ण होती. स्वतःच ती संतुष्ट होती. तिला कधी कुणाची गरजच भासली नसावी. तिनं दोन लग्नं केली. दोन संसार थाटले. पण मला वाटतं, तिला त्याची आवशकताच नसेल. अशा स्त्रीया असतात का? कुणास ठाऊक! निदान गीता तशी होती. असावी.’
’तिला नेमकं काय हवं होतं, मला कधीच कळलं नाही.’ श्रीनिवास स्वतःशीच बोलावा तसे बोलला.
’मलाही समजलं नाही ते.’ वालावलकर म्हणाला. मग अचानक काहीसे आठवल्यासारखे करून तो बोलला,
’गीताचा एखादा फोटो आहे? मला....मला तिला बघावसं वाटत. तुमची हरकत नसेल तर-’
’हरकत कसली त्यात?’ श्रीनिवास चटकन उठून म्हणाला, ’थांबा. बेडरूममध्ये फोटो आहे तिचा. घेऊन येतो.’
तो आत जाऊन गीताचा फोटो घेऊन आला. वालावरकरने फोटो घेतला. तो त्याकडे बघू लागला. गीतात फारसा फरक पडला नव्हता. तेच आत्ममग्न डोळे. तेच घटट मिटलेले ओठ. चेहऱ्यावर तोच परका, दूरस्थ, स्वतःत रमलेला भाव. फोटोकडे टक लावून बघून वालावरकरने एक हलका निःश्वास सोडला. मग त्याने तो फोटो दूर ठेऊन दिला.
’तुम्हाला...तुम्हाला या फोटोची एखादी प्रत हवी आहे का?’ श्रीनिवास संकोचाने म्हणाल, ’हवी असेल तर देतो.’
’छेः मला काय करायचा आहे फोटो!’ वालावलकर चटकन म्हणाला. मग अचानक एक गूढ वाक्य तो बोलला. तो म्हणाला, ’मला वाटतं, गीता हा एक आरसा होता. आरशाला स्वतःचं रंगरूप नसतं. भावना नसतात. गीता तशीच होती. त्या आरशात एकदा माझं प्रतिबिंब उमटलं. एकदा तुमचं. पण आरशाला ना त्याचं सुख, ना दुखः. आज आरसा फुटलाय. पण त्याच्या फुटलेल्या कांचात आज आपली दोघांची प्रतिबिंब एकत्र उमटली. आपण दोघे एकमेकांच्या जरा अधिक जवळ आलो...’
श्रीनिवास विस्मयाने थक्क झाला. हा सामान्य, व्यक्तीत्वहीन दिसणारा माणूस असे काही बोलेल याची त्याला कल्पनाही नव्हती. आरसा. तो गीताच्या व्यक्तीत्याच्या या नव्या अर्थाची स्वतःशी ओळख पटवून घेऊ लागला.
संध्याकाळ दाटत चालली होती. दिवाणखान्यात काळोख भरत होता. गीताचा फोटो अस्पष्ट होत होता. आणि ते दोन अनोळखी, परके पुरूष एकमेकांसमोर बसून आपणांमध्ये जडलेल्या या नव्या नात्याचा विचार करीत होते. अर्थ लावीत होते. फुटक्या आरशात उमटलेली एकमेकांची प्रतिबिंबे बघत होते.
(शांता शेळके लिखित ’अनुबंध’ ह्या कथासंग्रहातील ’आरसा’ ही कथा)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Quiz: Test your general knowledge: Personalities


See how many you can find out...a minimum of 25, you may consider yourself a well-informed person!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
नुकतंच मी पुणे मराठी ग्रंथालयामधून शांता शेळके यांचं ’सुवर्णमुद्रा’ नावचे पुस्तक आणलं. त्यात छोट्या-छोट्या कविता, विचार, उतारे यांचे संकलन आहे. त्यातलेच काही वेचक इथे देत आहे!
तुम्ही जेव्हा उत्कट आनंदाच्या ऐन भरात असाल तेव्हा कुणालाही, काहीही वचन, आश्वासन देऊ नका आणि तुम्ही जेव्हा अत्यंत संतापलेले असाल तेव्हा कुणाच्या कसल्याही पत्राचे उत्तर देऊ नका
- चिनी म्हण
कुणी तरी आपल्यावर उत्कटपणे प्रेम करणारे आहे या जाणीवेइतके सुख दुसऱ्या कोणत्याही गोष्टीत नसते
व्हिक्टर ह्युगो
लवण मेळविता जळे । काय उरले निराळे ॥
तैसा समरस झालो । तुजमाजी हरपलो ॥
अग्निकर्पुराच्या मेळी । काय उरली काजळी ॥
तुका म्हणे आता । तुझी माझी एक ज्योती ॥
~ संत तुकाराम
जुनी पत्रे:
जुनी पत्रे वाचताना खूप गंमत वाटते. आनंदही होतो. आणि सर्वात आनंदाची गोष्ट ही की त्या पत्रांना उत्तरे लिहिण्याची जबाबदारी आपल्यावर नसते!
एक पर्शियन कवी म्हणतो: जागाच्या प्रारंभकाळी अल्लाने एक गुलाब, एक कमळ, एक कबूतर, एक सर्प, थोडासा मध, एक सफरचंद आणि मूठभर चिखल घेतला. या साऱ्यांचे जेव्हा त्याने मिश्रण केले तेव्हा त्यातून स्त्री निर्माण झाली!
परपुरषाचे सुख:
परपुरषाचे सुख भोगे तरी ।
उतरोनि करी घ्यावे शीस ॥
संवसारा आगी आपुलेनि हाते ।
लावुनी मागुते पाहू नये ॥
तुका म्हणे व्हावे तयापरी धीट ।
पतंग हा नीट दीपावरी ॥
कळपाचे नियम:
कळपात राहून कळपाचे नियम मोडणाराला माणसे निष्ठूर शासन करतात. समाज त्याचे प्रत्यक्ष वाभाडे काढत नसेल पण तो त्याला समाजात वावरणे अशक्य करून सोडतो. वेगळ्या वाटेने जाणाऱ्या माणसांची हलकेहलके पण अगदी पद्धतशीर रीतीने हकालपटटी केली जाते. तो माणूस फारच ताकदवान असेल तर इतर लोक त्याचे काही वाकडे करु शकत नाहीत. मग नाइलाजाने ते त्याला आपल्यात सामावून घेतात. वेळप्रसंगी त्याच्यापुढे लोचटपणा करतात. लाचारीही पत्करतात. पण या साऱ्यामागे एक स्वच्छ नकार, झिडकार दडलेला असतो. माणसाच्या या दुटप्पी वर्तनापेक्षा कळपाचे नियम न पाळणाऱ्या पशूंचा किंवा पक्ष्यांचा सजातियांनी केलेला क्रूर वध अधिक दयाळूपणाचा आहे अस वाटत नाही का?
दूर लाजुन पळतेस कशाला?
का म्हणतेस तू ’नका-नका’?
घडेल तेव्हा संग घडो पण
तूर्त एक घेऊ दे मुका !
- पारंपारिक लावणी
विद्येविना मती गेली
मतीविना नीती गेली
नीतीविना गती गेली
गतीविना वित्त गेले
वित्तविना शूद्र खचले
इतके अनर्थ एका अविद्येने केले
- महात्मा ज्योतिबा फुले
दोघेही एकमेकांवर रुसली होती. अन्तःप्रेरणेने त्यांनी एकमेकांकडे चोरुन कटाक्ष टाकले! त्यांच्या द्रुष्टीचे मीलन झाले तेव्हा दोघेही एकदम हसली!
- गाथासप्तशती
कुणासाठी कोण:
कुणासाठी कोण देही जपतसे प्राण
कुणासाठी कोण जीव टाकते गहाण !
उच्छादी वारा:
कसा उच्छादी हा वारा
केळ झोडपून गेला
किती झाकशील मांडी?
नाही मर्यादा ग ह्याला !
- पु. शि. रेगे
हे आयुष्य म्हणजे हुंदके, स्फुंदणे, उसासे आणि हसणे या साऱ्यांचे मिळून एक विचित्र मिश्रण आहे. पण त्यात स्फुंदण्याचे प्रमाण जरा जास्त असते.
- ओ. हेन्र्री
मला नाही:
तुला बाबा मला बाबा
तुला दादा मला दादा
तुला ताई मला ताई
तुला आई मला नाही
एक क्षण:
एक क्षण असतो मुक्त बोलण्याचा
एक क्षण असतो मौन पाळण्याचा !
भलत्या वेळी सांगितलेले सत्य असत्याइतकेच घातक असते.
जुने ठवणे मीपण आकळेना
जीवा श्रेष्ठ ते स्पष्ट सांगोनि गेले
परी जीव अज्ञान तैसेचि ठेले ।
देहे बुद्धिचे कर्म खोटे टळेना
जुने ठेवणे मीपण आकळेना ॥
काळ्या निळ्या ढगातः
काळ्या निळ्या ढगात कडाडते वीज
डोळ्यांतून कुठे तरी उडून जाते नीज
गहन रात्रीच्या पदरात स्वप्नांचा संभार
मनात जाग्या होतात आशा अपरंपार !
संपर्क माध्यमेः
प्रेम, लहान मुले आणि आपण करत असलेले काम - माणसाच्या भोवतालच्या जगाशी उत्कट संपर्क साधणारी ही तीन संदर माध्यमे आहेत
- बर्ट्रान्ड रसेल
मित्र ओळखाः
मित्र तयार करता येत नाहीत. ते जीवनात येतच असतात. पण आपण त्यांची ओळख पटवुन घ्यावी लागते. आणि एकाकी, स्नेहशून्य माणसांचे हेच मोठे दुखः असते. त्यांच्याभोवती माणसे वावरत असतात. पण एकाकी माणसांना त्यांच्यातला स्नेहभाव ओळखता येत नाही.
मला टीका करण्याची फार खोड आहे. माझी मते उकलून दाखवताना मी नेहेमी दुसऱ्यांच्या मनांतील वैगुण्ये दाखवीत असतो, आणि माझ्या लेखनात जर माझी ही खोड एकपट दिसत असली तर माझ्या बोलण्यानं ती दुप्पट दिसून येते. दोष काय आहेत हे पाहण्याची प्रव्रुत्ती माझ्यात अगदी प्रखर आहे, नसावी इतकी प्रखर आहे. भोवतालच्या लोकांच्या बोलण्यातील, विचारांतील चुका दाखवणे ही माझी जित्याची खोड आहे ती काही केल्या जात नाही. माझे मलाच त्याचे वाईट वाटते पण स्वभावाला औषध नाही !
- हर्बर्ट स्पेन्सर
येवढे प्रदीर्घ आयुष्य माझ्या वाट्याला येणार आहे हे जर मला थोडे आधी कळले असते तर मी माझ्या प्रक्रुतीची जरा अधीक काळजी घेतली असती !
प्राण की पैसा?
गुंडोपंत रानातून एकटेच प्रवास करत होते. वाटेत चोरट्यांनी त्यांना अकस्मात गाठले. ’चल, काय पैसे जवळ असतील ते काढ’ चोरट्यांचा नायक दरडावून त्यांना म्हणाला, ’नाही तर तुझा जीवच घेतो बघ. बोल. पैसा की प्राण?’ ’तर मग तुम्ही माझे प्राणच घ्या’ गुंडोपंत म्हणाले, ’मजजवळच्या पैशाला मात्र हात लावू नका. कारण तो मी आपल्या म्हातारपणासाठी जमवत आलो आहे !’
एकटेपणाचे मह्त्व:
एकटे राहण्याची सवय करुन घ्या. एकटेपणाचे फार फायदे आहेत. ते गमावू नका. स्वतःचा सहवास स्वतः अनुभवणे, त्यात रमणे ही फार आनंददायक गोष्ट आहे. ती साध्य झाली तर तुम्हाला इतरांच्या संगतीशिवायही सुखासमाधानाने राहाता येईल. एकदा अनुभव तर घेऊन पाहा !
थोडे तुझे, थोडे माझे
थोडे तुझे, थोडे माझे । सारे आपुल्या दोघांचे
कुठे शुभ्र, कुठे अभ्र । रंग अनोखे नभाचे
काही प्राप्त, काही लुप्त । काही फक्त क्षितिजाचे
नाही खंती - जे जे हाती । ते ते आनंदघनाचे !
माणूस जगतो काही काळ
आणि जातो मरून
काळ आपला शांतपणे
बघत असतो दुरून !
शिकण्यासारखे काही:
आम्ही दूध पितो
मांजरही दूध पिते...
पण मांजराच्या ते अंगी लागते.
आम्ही मरेस्तोवर जगतो
मांजरही मरेस्तोवर जगते...
पण मांजराला ब्लडप्रेशरचे दुखणे नसते !
आम्हाला तेही कळत नाही...
पण त्याचा आत्मा भटकत राहिल्याचे कोणी ऐकले नाही !
प्रुथ्वीवरचा सर्वांत हुषार प्राणी
माणूस असेलही...
पण त्यान्ही कधी तरी निवांतपणे
म्यॊंव करायला हरकत नाही !
- एक ग्रीटींग कार्ड (खास ’माऊ’ साठी!)
नको शब्दांची आरास, नको सुरांचे कौतुक
तुझ्या माझ्या मनातले तुला मलाच ठाऊक !
सागर पोहत बाहुबळाने:
सागर पोहत बाहुबळाने नाव तयासि मिळो न मिळो रे
स्वयेच तेजोनिधे जो भास्कर तदग्रुहि दीप जळो न जळो रे
जो करि कर्म अहेतु निरंतर देव तयासि वळो न वळो रे
झाली ओळख ज्यास स्वतःची वेद तयासि कळो न कळो रे
- श्री. रा. बोबडे
Thursday, July 8, 2010
शब्द-तुकडे: खातंय कोण – तोंड की मन?
शब्द-तुकडे: खातंय कोण - तोंड की मन?
भेळ खाऊ का खाऊ पाणी-पुरी
सुरुवात कुठे करु...अं, आधी पाव-भाजीच बरी
एकच पोट, एकच तोंड
भूक कमी खा-खा प्रचंड
भेळच बरी पाव-भाजी ला वेळच फार
इतका वेळ खाल्ल्याशिवाय नाही थांबवणार
आ..आ..आली भेळ...पहिला घास - वा वा...!!!
दुसऱ्या घासापूर्वीच... मला पिझ्झा वाटतोय खावा
असं का झालं, असं का होतं
जे खातोय ते सोडून, दुसऱ्याचीच चटक लागते...हल्ली
खातंय कोण - तोंड की मन?
बहुतेक मनच
खाण्यात नाही सगळ्यातच असं होतं...हल्ली
ह्याला आम्ही कायकू अस नाव दिल आहे...हायकू च्या धर्तीवर...
हे गद्य किंवा पद्य दोन्ही प्रकारात मोडत नाही (वाकतही नाहीच...कारण आमचा बाणा - ’मोडेन पण वाकणार नाही’)
गद्य किंवा पद्य दोन्ही नसलेले लेखन बरेचदा ’मद्य’ ह्य प्रकरात मोडते...कारण मद्याचा त्या लेखक (किंवा कवी किंवा तत्सम) प्राण्यावर प्रभाव असतो. इथे ती शक्यताही नाही, कारण आम्ही दारु पीतच काय उडवत पण नाही.
आमचे हे शब्द-तुकडे ’कालातीत’ आहे असे आम्हला वाटते, त्यामुळे त्याला ’सद्य’ म्हणणे ही बरोबर नाही.
खाण्याशी संबंधीत असल्याने आणि जरी मन या शब्दाचा पुसटसा उल्लेख आला असला तरी हे शब्द-तुकडे ’ह्रुद्य’ ही नाहीत.
अशा प्रकारे हे गद्य, पद्य, मद्य, सद्य किन्वा ह्रुद्य काहीच नाही...आणि अजून ’द्य’-कारान्त शब्द आत्ता सुचत नाहीत. असो.
तर थोडक्यात यावर जास्त चर्चा न करता आम्ही हे इथेच संपवून पुन्हा नवीन ’कायकू’ चे शब्द-तुकडे जुळवायच्या मागे लागतो!
भेळ खाऊ का खाऊ पाणी-पुरी
सुरुवात कुठे करु...अं, आधी पाव-भाजीच बरी
एकच पोट, एकच तोंड
भूक कमी खा-खा प्रचंड
भेळच बरी पाव-भाजी ला वेळच फार
इतका वेळ खाल्ल्याशिवाय नाही थांबवणार
आ..आ..आली भेळ...पहिला घास - वा वा...!!!
दुसऱ्या घासापूर्वीच... मला पिझ्झा वाटतोय खावा
असं का झालं, असं का होतं
जे खातोय ते सोडून, दुसऱ्याचीच चटक लागते...हल्ली
खातंय कोण - तोंड की मन?
बहुतेक मनच
खाण्यात नाही सगळ्यातच असं होतं...हल्ली
ह्याला आम्ही कायकू अस नाव दिल आहे...हायकू च्या धर्तीवर...
हे गद्य किंवा पद्य दोन्ही प्रकारात मोडत नाही (वाकतही नाहीच...कारण आमचा बाणा - ’मोडेन पण वाकणार नाही’)
गद्य किंवा पद्य दोन्ही नसलेले लेखन बरेचदा ’मद्य’ ह्य प्रकरात मोडते...कारण मद्याचा त्या लेखक (किंवा कवी किंवा तत्सम) प्राण्यावर प्रभाव असतो. इथे ती शक्यताही नाही, कारण आम्ही दारु पीतच काय उडवत पण नाही.
आमचे हे शब्द-तुकडे ’कालातीत’ आहे असे आम्हला वाटते, त्यामुळे त्याला ’सद्य’ म्हणणे ही बरोबर नाही.
खाण्याशी संबंधीत असल्याने आणि जरी मन या शब्दाचा पुसटसा उल्लेख आला असला तरी हे शब्द-तुकडे ’ह्रुद्य’ ही नाहीत.
अशा प्रकारे हे गद्य, पद्य, मद्य, सद्य किन्वा ह्रुद्य काहीच नाही...आणि अजून ’द्य’-कारान्त शब्द आत्ता सुचत नाहीत. असो.
तर थोडक्यात यावर जास्त चर्चा न करता आम्ही हे इथेच संपवून पुन्हा नवीन ’कायकू’ चे शब्द-तुकडे जुळवायच्या मागे लागतो!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Interesting info on Logo
Body Wisdom
It is a logo design for a high end day spa… the hands effectively convey relaxing massage integrated with the proximity of the “owl eyes” to clearly say “wisdom”.
Forkwire Logo
Designer – Bojan Stefanovic |
Being an Online Food Delivery service, its logo shows a fork formed into an @ symbol! Such a easy logo to remember. |
Big Ten Logo
The Big Ten collegiate conference has eleven schools but they didn’t want to change their name. However, they used their logo to hide the numerical “11” in the name.
Amazon Logo:
This famous logo is extremely clean and simple but this arrow might not look like more than a smile to you. Before, coming to any conclusions I would like you to know the concept behind this…it says that amazon.comhas everything from a to zand it also represents the smile brought to the customer’s face.
ED Logo: Gianni Bortolotti:
The designer of ED Logo – “Elettro Domestici -Home Appliances” in English, changed the concept of traditional logo designing through this logo. The designer has amazingly used the negative space to demonstrate the letter “E” and “D” making the logo look like an electric plug.
Eight Logo
This logo is too good to be ignored….it is very cleverly designed with a typeface where every letter is a variation of number 8. Nothing better have been thought.
Elle Hive Logo
Designer – Toni |
It is a company which designs compact tractors. The letters “E” and “H” make up the image of a tracto |
Toblerone Logo
One of my favorite chocolates…yummy!! But trust me I never noticed the brilliant logo while enjoying my bar. You must be thinking what is there to find out as it clearly shows the Swiss Alps? Let me explain…Toblerone originated in Bern, Switzerland – A city whose name is rumored to mean, “City of bears”. When you look at it again you will find a bear in the logo
Marriage Logo
What better logo can be used to symbolize a marriage with two mirrored “R” in the middle. No frills, no shadows, still so powerful and meaningful.
Heart Beats
Although it is quiet evident but still I liked the concept a lot. Two musical notes are bent in a way to make a heart and and headphns. The softness of this logo expresses “Love for Music“
Logo !N3K8
The complexity of this logo is its beauty. It is a business and IT consulting company based in the UK and the logo is a combination of numeric and alphabets to explain the word “intricate”.
FedEx Logo
You would say you have seen it thousand times but just to make you notice an arrow formed between the letters “E” and “X” conveying speed, direction and reliability of this amazing courier service.
Review Logo
Designer – Sean Farrell Logo Design: |
When you take off a piece of the “v” in the word “review” it forms a check mark (for review). Simply amazing!! |
Lafeyette Logo:Even
If you’ve ever visited one of the famous stores in Paris – Galeries Lafayette, you will notice that it’s logo represents Paris with its joined letters “t” to form Eiffel Tower. C’est magnificique!
Pakuy Logo
Designer – Maumer |
As “Pakuay” is a packaging company, so the logo shows a broken down box in the shape of the letter “P” |
Hartford Whalers
The logo shows 3 concepts at the same time. A whale’s tail, letter “W” in green and the white space forming an “H” for Hartford.
ZIP Logo
Designer – Mike Erickson |
Zip – The “I” has been replaced with a zipper to connect the Z & P |
VIA Rail Canada Logo
Notice carefully…the VIA rail Canada logo makes two train tracks with the letters” V” and the “A”. The alphabet “I” is the division between the two. A simply brilliant logo.
Mosleep Logo
You will notice here how cleverly designer have integrated a bed with the letter “M” to come up with a logo for an organization of doctor’s dealing with sleep issues
It is a logo for Architecture Center Of Budapest and looks more like a maze but if you follow the white space, the four lettered company name will become evident.
Piano Forest Logo
Designer: Jason Cho |
The designer gives the message in a subtle but evident manner by shaping piano keys like trees to resemble a keyboard/piano. |
NorthWest Old Logo
The logo reflected a clever way of splitting the alphabets, N and W (north west) along with a location pointed to by the red triangle in the upper left corner. The redesign lost the charm of the original.
Horror Films Logo
Designer:Josiah Jost |
This could be defined as real creativity…A regular film reel turned to look like a scary ghost for a production house. |
Yoga Australia Logo
At first glance the logo may look like a simple picture of a young girl doing her yoga exercise but if you watch it carefully the body posture is creating the Australia Map.
LDG Logo:
Well, this logo proves how creative logo designing companies could be with their own logos. Very artistically the designer has merged the upper arcs of the letter “D” and “G” with the initials of the company name to symbolize “The Guru”.
London Museum:
he logo, at first glance, looks like a bunch of colored/transparent shapes on top of each other. But I bring this logo to make you realize that each shape is the shape of what London looked like once. The entire logo represents the evolution of the land of London through time.
Concealed Logo:
This logo is among one of my favorite logos…brilliant use of negative space makes this logo extraordinary. It has been designed by Ronald J. Cala II for Children’s Book, Editorial. The “Black and White” graphics show the silhouettes of two running children with a dove forming between their clasped hands.
Hope For Children Initiative:
For the first glance the logo shows “Africa’s Map” but with a penetrating look you will see the outlined face of a child and a protective elderly figure. In fact I noticed the faces first and then saw the map…strange?
8 fish Logo:
I am sure, at the first glance you can’t figure out the 8 fish instantly or maybe I am being a little dumb
15 Rose Ave:
This logo is used by a chain of hotel/hostel/suites but the way “5” & “R” have worked together makes it exceptional. This merging and beautiful color combination is adding a subtle vintage feel to the logo.
This wavy logo looks like "a queue of letter ‘U’ but I would like you to give a second look. Designed by Kilment Kalchev, the logo spells the word minimum in an unrecognizing manner. I really enjoyed figuring it out
"B" Logo:
Although you might think it is a simple “Symbolic Logo” showing a “Bee” but what makes it more appealing is the portraying of the letter “B” and the real “Bee” through a simple symbol.
Milwaukee Brewers Logo (MB):
I am sure one cannot miss the letters “m” and “b” in this logo but marking it as a baseball team the logo is a clear picture of a glove clasping the met ball
The Bison:
This logo clearly proves how letters of a word can be distorted to create a completely different shape to reinforce its meaning while maintaining readability.
Academy of Fine Arts:
The logo shows merger of the lower case letters "A", "S" and "P". I think the first two letters are quiet easily figured out but "P" being the shortest of the three letters is losing its legibility…what do you think?
Church Logo:
Done by Malcolm Grear and Associates, it’s a true masterpiece of simplifying complexity. It appears a simple Cross shape but hidden inside are a dove, a clerical robe, a pulpit with bible, flames, and a fish. Check out how many of these symbols you can find out.
Carrefour Logo:
Carrefour in French means “crossroads” and the logo shows two opposite arrows inside a diamond shaping the C letter with the negative space between them but let me confess, I never saw the letter “C” until someone pointed it out to me…
London Symphony Orchestra:
Although the logo looks like a single flowing line creating three initials L.S.O in air. The harmonious graphic of this logo marks the unbreaking rhythm of an Orchestra.
Cattleyard Logo:
Being music related business; the creator of this logo has used various graphics of musical instruments to form the overall shape of a cow. In my opinion this logo is the best example of combining the graphical elements to express a company’s name.
Candy Logo:
Do you know how many things have been blended in here? A girl’s head, stereotypical image of a candy and the spelling of “Candy” itself is making the logo so appealing.
Philadelphia Flyers logo:
If you analyze this logo carefully you will find a “double treat” of hidden messages. It may appear as a streaked “P” but I see a puck with wings and a hidden hockey stick emerging from the centre circle in the logo. Do you see it now?
Modern Nerd:
The special features of this logo is it’s way to spell the term “Modern Nerd” and then using the symbolic shapes of hair, glasses and tie to portray the stereotypical geek/nerd image.
This logo has been designed by Felix Sockwell showing a child’s figure face integrated with a flight of a dove. I am not aware which company uses this logo but will really appreciate if any of you know more about this logo…so do share.
5.10 Logo:
Five-Ten is a famous family-owned company dedicated to make the best outdoor sports footwear available. When seen in upside position the logo shows a very clever blend of the numeric’s of 5 and10.
Newman Logo:
I would add my personal favorite, the reversible Newman logo. This logo is the best example of simple but clever logo…what say?
Mamouth Logo:
This logo is for a French children clothing store. Although there’s two "m" in French for the word "mammouth" but the designer has played well to make the mammoth face with the single alphabet.
Society 27:
The good thing about this logo is that it shows the same when viewed in an upside down position. The abstract use of "quotes" and number "7" show the number 27 clearly.
Hammer Logo :
This logo is a creative example of utilising the negative space to make your logo leave a lasting impression. The integration of the letter "H" with the hammer is outstanding and a little difficult to find at first glance.
Baskin Robins Logo:
There is the Baskin Robins new logo, in where the BR also creates the number 31 for how many flavors they have. I found it very clever.
Treacy Shoes:
This logo is the cutest example of hidden logos. The hidden shoe packed between the company initials conveys the company message in a very stylish and interesting way. I simply loved it:)
Rehabilitation of Hospital:
This logo is a simple symbol but a complex and a sacred message. The globally renowned cross symbol represents help and medical attention while the steps reflect on the steps taken back to normal life.
Schizophrenic Logo:
Actually this term is used for a medical disorder that often depicts split personalities. Therefore the logo depicts a happy and sad face both at the same time. I loved the simplicity and multi purpose of this logo.
Nicholson Logo:
Honestly speaking…I don’t know much about this logo but found it amazingly creative to show the letter “N”I will really appreciate if any of you could tell about the company this logo belongs to so I can give the real credit.
To Beat or Not to Beat
The logoshows a simple "question mark" but if you watch it closely you will notice it is a belt turned into a question mark pointing the old-fashioned parenting methods. The logo asks if we should "beat or not to beat" a child
~ Kaustubh
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